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Bagaimana untuk menjaga data-data anda ketika bercuti.

Apabila kita hendak berjalan,terdapat peluang yang entah bagaimana kita akan kehilangan telefon bimbit,komputer riba atau tablet yang diisi dengan maklumat berharga.

Jadi,apa yang boleh kita lakukan untuk melindungi maklumat berharga ini ?

Pakar keselamatan dari McAfee telah mengeluarkan beberapa nasihat yang agak berguna bersama-sama tips asas.

Syor yang pertama ialah unuk menyimpan barangan berharga anda di luar penglihatan biasa.Barangan ini tidak sepatutnya ditinggalkan di kawasan yang boleh dilihat oleh orang ramai walaupun ketika kakitangan hotel datang untuk membersihkan hotel.

Untuk perlindungan yang lebih baik untuk kes pecah masuk,barang-barang berharga perlu diletakkan di dalam peti besi jika hotel tersebut menyediakannya untuk anda.

Satu lagi perkara penting yang perlu dilakukan ialah untuk memastikan bahawa anda sudah membuat back-up untuk kesemua data-data penting sebelum anda bertolak.Tidak kira jika barangan berharga anda hilang,anda masih mempunyai data back-up.

Sebuah lagi tips yang menarik oleh Naib Presiden Global Consumer Marketing McAfee,Gary Davis ialah untuk meletakkan maklumat untuk mencari anda pada lock screen peranti anda.

Lock screen boleh berfungsi untuk melindungi data yang disimpan pada peranit anda.Tetapi jika peranti anda hilang dan ada seseorang yang ingin memulangkannya,ia akan berguna untuk dia mencari anda.

Applikasi Go-tracking juga boleh membantu anda.Satu aplikasi mudah yang dipasang pada peranti anda boleh membantu anda untuk menentukan sama ada peranti anda hilang atau dicuri.Dalam beberapa kes yang lain,ia turut membantu anda mendapatkannya kembali.

Akhir sekali,pasang satu perisian yang membolehkan anda membuang segala informasi yang terdapat pada peranti anda dari jarak jauh.

Jika anda tercari-cari di mana perlu anda dapatkan perisian untuk melakukan semua tugas-tugas ini,satu penyelesaian yang komprehensif,iaitu McAfee Mobile Security.

Muat turun iOS 6.0.2 !

Baru-baru ini,Apple telah mengeluarkan iOS 6.0.2,sebuah kemas kini perisian tambahan untuk pengguna iOS 6.

Kemas kini ini dikeluarkan bertujuan untuk membaiki isu-isu sambungan tanpa wayar pada telefon bimbit iPhone 5 dan tablet iPad mini.

Dikeluarkan untuk peranti tertentu sebagai pembaiki kemas kini bug,iOS 6.0.2 seolah-olah menangani isu tunggal dengan sambungan Wi-Fi pada iPhone 5 dan ipad mini yang baru sahja dilancarkan.

Pengguna iPhone 5 telah dibelenggu oleh isu-isu Wi-Fi,manakala laporan menunjukkan bahawa pengguna iPad mini mengalami sambungan yang lemah kini telah semakin berkurang.

Walau bagaimanapun,iOS 6.0.2 berjanji untuk memperbaiki bug yang boleh memberi kesan kepada Wi-Fi,menurut changelog yang disediakan oleh Apple dengan kemas kini perisian tersebut.

iOS 6.0.2 kini boleh didapati over-the-air (OTA) melalui sambungan tanpa wayar,atau melalui iTunes,melalui sambungan terikat.

Selain itu,pengguna boleh memuat turun fail standalone IPSW yang dikemas kini di sini.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Ultimate Speed Pack + Screenshots

Seperti yang dijangka,Electronic Arts baru sahaja menerbitkan Need for Speed Most Wanted Ultimate Speed Pack.

Pack tersebut menambah lima buah kereta terpantas di dunia,termasuklah Pagani Zonda R,McLaren F1LM,Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse,Lamborghini Aventador J dan Hennessey Venom GT Spyder.

Kelima-lima buah kereta tersebut boleh digunakan dalam Perlumbaan berkelajuan tinggi dan Speed Runs yang turut dimasukkan di dalam senarai event Most Wanted yang baru ini.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Ultimate Speed Pack DLC ini boleh dibeli dengan harga $9.99 sahaja.


Versi Photoshop seterusnya tidak akan menyokong XP

Adobe telah pun menggugurkan sokongan untuk sistem operasi Microsoft yang paling berjaya iaitu Windows 7 di dalam Lightroom 4.Kini,syarikat gergasi tersebut mengatakan bahawa versi Photoshop berikutnya iaitu Photoshop CS7 akan mengikut jejak langkah yang sama dan tidak akan menyokong Windows XP.

Secara ringkasnya,komponen moden dan sistem operasi adalah merupakan rahsia utama bagi prestasi unggul Photoshop kerana ia boleh menggunakan kuasa GPU secara maksimum,ciri-ciri peningkatan seperti 3D,Blur Galery and Lighting Effect,yang tidak terdapat dalam Windows XP.

Notis awal ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan pengguna mempunyai masa secukupnya untuk membuat penghijrahan daripada Windows XP/7 kepada sesuatu yang lebih baik untuk mendapat manfaat sepenuhnya daripada Photoshop versi seterusnya.

357 penjenayah siber ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa di Filipina

Pihak berkuasa dari Filipina telah mengumumkan hasil daripada operasi "terbesar dan paling tegas" dijalankan terhadap penjenayah siber : 357 warga asing yang ditangkap.

Suspek yang kebanyakannya dari Taiwan dan China diberkas hasil daripada kerjasama antara Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commision (PAOCC) dan Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG)

Polis tersebut menyatakan bahawa kebanyakan individu yang ditangkap telah terlibat dalam penipuan kewangan.

Modus operandi mereka adalah menelefon mangsa dan memberitahu mereka bahawa akaun bank mereka digunakan oleh penipu.Kemudian,mangsa akan diarahkan untuk memasukkan wang mereka ke dalam sebuah akaun yang dipanggil "safe account".

Penjenayah tersebut juga mengancam akan pergi kepada polis jika mangsa enggan mematuhi arahan mereka.

Operasi ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kepada penjenayah yang menyangka Filipina merupakan negara yang selamat untuk melakukan kegiatan yang menyalahi undang-undang bahawa mereka salah.

Microsoft reka semula logo mereka buat pertama kali setelah 25 tahun

Microsoft akan meletakkan harapan yang amat besar ke atas Windows 8.Hakikatnya,ia begitu jauh ketinggalan dalam pasaran telefon bimbit dan tablet.Satu-satunya pilihan yang mereka ada ialah dengan memonopoli pasaran desktop untuk mendapatkan tempat yang lebih baik daripada dua pasaran tersebut (telefon dan tablet).Jika ia berfungsi,mungkin ia akan memberikan pulangan yang baik,tetapi jika tidak,mungkin Microsoft tidak akan berfikir tentang ia lagi.

Tetapi,untuk menunjukkan kesungguhan syarikat mereka itu,mereka telah mendapatkan sebuah logo baru.

Itu mungkin kelihatan sedikit remeh.Tetapi logo dan jenama Windows dan Office mereka lebih dikenali daripada logo Microsoft sebenar.

Ia bukan suatu perubahan utama,tetapi ia cuba untuk memberitahu bahawa Microsoft memilih "Metro" sebagai logo,walaupun ia tidak dipanggil Metro lagi.Logo baru tersebut sudah hidup di beberapa laman web Microsoft.

Logo baru tersebut agak ringkas.Dataran empat warna Windows bersama-sama dengan nama Microsoft ditulis di dalam dan muka taip Segoe digunakan.

Selain daripada perubahan muka taip,ini adalah kali pertama logo tersebut akan meletakkan sesuatu di sebelah nama tersebut,sebuah simbol,iaitu empat petak.

Sebelum ini,ia hanya nama Microsoft.Malah,simbol empat petak akan digunakan dengan jelas,banyak kali dengan nama sebenar di sebalik ia.

Satu perkara yang sama ialah huruf "f" dan "t" dihubungkan bersama-sama.

Pengguna Facebook memuat naik 300 juta foto setiap hari

Dengan lebih daripada satu bilion pengguna,lebih separuh daripada mereka log masuk setiap hari,ia tidak menghairankan sesiapa bahawa Facebook menjana jumlah data yang sangat besar.Nombor-nombor itu terlalu besar untuk dijadikan suatu konteks.

Hakikat bahawa ia merupakan laman foto terbesar di planet ini diketahui umum,sebenarnya,ia bukan sebuah pertandingan.

Pengguna memuat naik kira-kira 300 juta setiap hari ke laman tersebut.Terdapat beratus-ratus bilion gambar yang disimpan oleh Facebook.Flickr berkata bahawa pada tahun lepas,hampir 6 bilion gambar telah dimuat naik ke laman mereka.

Pada bila-bila masa,Facebook berurusan dengan kira-kira 105 terabytes data,2.5 bilion kandungan, dan 500 terabyte yang bernilai melalui laman Facebook pada setiap hari.

FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Will Be More Secure, EA Promises

Electronic Arts has promised that players of the upcoming FIFA 13 soccer simulator would be in for a more secure experience when trying out the game’s special Ultimate Team feature, as the various hacker attacks suffered by FIFA 12 have given the security team a better idea of what to expect from nefarious individuals.

FIFA 12 was one of EA’s biggest games last year, managing to draw in millions of soccer/football fans to its top-notch simulation experience.

What’s more, besides the actual gameplay, the Ultimate Team mode also drew in fans who’ve spent lots of real-life money on building their own squads.

Sadly, the feature also drew in hackers who started breaking into accounts and stealing cash as well as other items.

EA has learned a lot from these intrusions and the president of its Games label, Frank Gibeau, has promised that FIFA 13’s Ultimate Team would be a more secure experience.

"We learned a lot from the experience. A lot of companies are suffering from this right now. There's a lot of sophisticated hacking happening in the gaming industry and it's a continuous battle," Gibeau told Joystiq.

"We take it very seriously, put a lot of resources on it. The learning from the FIFA example last year has been incorporated this year. There's some incremental and additional things. I don't want to get too detailed because I don't want to tip our hand. Rest assured, we take it very seriously."

Gibeau also put into perspective the issue of security in the gaming industry, saying that nothing can be completely secure, no matter how many resources are spent.

"You're never going to win this battle," Gibeau added. "The moment you declare victory, somebody will walk in and show you didn't. So you have to continuously stay on top of it and, most importantly, keep account integrity the first and foremost issue."

FIFA 13 is out on September 28 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 and those who pre-order the game will receive plenty of Ultimate Team bonuses.

Trojan SMSZombie mengeksploitasi kelemahan dalam sistem pembayaran China Mobile

Pada 25 Julai,TrustGo Security Labs telah mengenal pasti malware yang menyasarkan pengguna Android dari China,Dikenal pasti sebagai SMSZombie,trojan ini dipercayai telah menjangkiti lebih 500,000 pengguna.

Trojan berniat jahat ini mengekploitasi lubang keselamatan (security hole) dalam sistem pembayaran SMS China Mobile untuk membuat bayaran yang tidak dibenarkan (unauthorized payments) dan mencuri maklumat perbankan yang sensitif.

Setakat ini,SMSZombie telah dikenal pasti dalam tujuh aplikasi yang berbeza yang telah ditanam di dan lain-lain pasaran aplikasi Android China.

Jadi,bagaimanakah trojan tersebut menjangkiti telefon ?

Malware tersebut merebak melalui sebuah aplikasi yang bertajuk "Android Animated Screensaver: Animated Album I Found When I Fixed My Female Coworker's Computer".Sebaik sahaja ia dipasang (install),ia meminta mangsa untuk memasang (install) komponen tambahan yang mengandungi kod berniat jahat.

Semasa proses ini,ia akan menjadikan dirinya sukar untuk dibuang.

Selepas ia mendapat root privileges,SMSZombie memintas dan menghantar (forward) SMS yang masuk yang mungkin mengandungi maklumat sensitif kepada penyerang.

"Ketika menunggu untuk penyampaian kod berniat jahat selepas pemasangan,trojan ini agak sukar untuk dikesan.Virus canggih seperti ini telah menyerlahkan hakikat bahawa keterbukaan platform Android adalah seperti pedang bermata dua,"kata Xuyang Li,Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif TrustGo.

Pengguna dapat mengakses pelbagai aplikasi,tetapi mereka mesti mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga untuk memastikan aplikasi yang mereka inginkan tidak dijejaskan oleh penggodam.

Mangsa kepada ancaman ini melaporkan bahawa akaun permainan dalam talian telah dicas semula melalui sistem pembayaran SMS China Mobile.

Walau bagaimanapun,dalam usaha untuk mengekalkan profil yang rendah,malaware ini hanya mencuri sejumlah kecil wang dari akaun yang disasarkan.

Pakar menasihatkan pengguna berhati-hati memeriksa permohonan yang dilakukan oleh aplikasi sebelum memasang ia pada telefon bimbit mereka.

Plants vs. Zombies 2

PopCap dan Electronic Arts telah mengesahkan bahawa sekuel kepada permainan komputer Plants vs. Zombies akan dikeluarkan pada hujung musim bunga 2013.

Plants vs. Zombies mungkin telah mengejutkan agak ramai peminat PopCap dengan kehadirannya yang unik,tetapi berjuta-juta pemain telah jatuh cinta dengan permainan pertahanan berasaskan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan zombi yang muncul di pelbagai platform permainan elektronik dari seluruh dunia.

Kini,selepas banyak khabar angin,PopCap telah mengesahkan bahawa sekuel kepada Plants vs. Zombies akan dikeluarkan pada akhir musim bunga pada tahun 2013.

Plants vs. Zombies 2 ini akan merangkumi pelbagai "ciri-ciri baru,tetapan serta situasi",menurut PopCap yang tidak ingin mengeluarkan kenyataan yang kukuh setakat ini.

Hacker Leaks 67,000 Usernames, Passwords from Cichlid Forum

A hacker called SirLeakAlot has breached Cichlid Forum (, a discussion board dedicated to cichlid, an interesting fish from the Cichlidae family.

According to the forum’s stats, there are 68,466 registered members, 67,686 of which have become the victims of this latest hack.

The data dump, split in three parts on, consists of usernames, email addresses and MD5 password hashes.

The hacker didn’t reveal the reasons why the website was targeted, but a Twitter post provides some clues.

“Whether you are a well known organization or not, if your vulnerable you can expect your data to be leaked,” he wrote.

The main problem in such scenarios is not the fact that the affected users’ forum accounts can be breached. Instead, many of the internauts are most likely utilizing the same username - password combination on other websites as well, making their more important accounts susceptible to hacked.

Hopefully, the site’s administrators will act quickly to notify customers of the breach.

Keylogger - Actual Spy Software,logs all keystrokes

Actual Spy - is a keylogger which allows you to find out what other users do on your computer in your absence. It is designed for the hidden computer monitoring and the monitoring of the computer activity. Keylogger Actual Spy is capable of catching all keystrokes, capturing the screen, logging the programs being run and closed, monitoring the clipboard contents.

What is key logger?

A Key logger (KeyLogger or Keystroke Logger) is a program that runs invisibly in the background, recording all the keystrokes, usually saving the results to a log file.

Keylogger Actual Spy software features:

Logs all keystrokes, is case sensitive (keystroke logger).

Makes screenshots within the specified time interval.

Saves the applications’ running and closing.

Watches clipboard contents.

Records all print activity.

Records disk changes.

Records internet connections.

Records all websites visited.

Records startup/shutdown.

All the information is stored in the encrypted log file.

Convenient interface of the log and screenshot view.

Generates the report in the text and html format.

Sends the report to the specified email, via FTP or local area network.

Works in the standard and hidden mode.

In the hidden mode it is invisible in all operating systems (in Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 processes as well).

Provides the opportunity to protect keylogger with the password, so that nobody except you could view the logs.

Fast installation, convenient and understandable interface, various set of features, flexible configuration system.

Unique Keylogger Actual Spy software features:

The keylogger Actual Spy Software is absolutely invisible in the all operating systems (in Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 processes as well) and is not detected by antivirus software.

Case sensitive when detecting the keystrokes.

When viewing the keystrokes can show only the characters without showing the pressed system keys which is more convenient. For example, if the following keys are pressed:

You can see the text
"It is keylogger."
having checked the "Show only characters" option.
Log search with or without the case sensitive option.

For your convenience, the limits of the text log size and screenshot size are specified separately, as the screenshots size normally occupies more disk space than a text file.

Specifying the limits of the clipboard contents. If large amounts of information are copied to the clipboard, only the specified part will be saved.

Sending the reports to email, via FTP or local area network with flexible configuration system.

The Keylogger Actual Spy software is necessary for:

For system administrators. Keylogger Actual Spy will help you to find out, what exactly took place in the system.

For CEOs. You can perform the full control of the computers of your company or enterprise. You will always know about all actions performed by the employees or other people on the computers of your company.

For parents. You will be able to find out what programs your children run and what they search in the net, and to check them.

For any user. Using keylogger Actual Spy, you will be able to establish the full control over your computer. You will also find out, what was going on on your computer during your absence: what was run and when, what text was typed, etc. Using the program constantly, you will able to restore the previously typed text in case you have lost it. The Actual Spy software will also help you to restore the forgotten password or the lost email.

For computer classes and Internet Cafes. Keylogger will let you find out, what the users have been doing on the computers.

Program version : Actual Spy Version 3.0
File Name : actualspy.exe
File Size : 1.52 MB

The registration key for the program is :-


URL Autocomplete : Firefox vs. Chrome

Firefox 14 is now in the beta stage. It comes with several new features, click-to-play plugins, Google SSL search by default and so on. But it also comes with one seemingly minor tweak that will have a great effect on the workflow of any users, with those spending a lot of time in the browser being the most affected - autocomplete of typed URLs in the AwesomeBar.

Firefox has had suggestions for a very long time, but it now auto-fills the address bar field as you type with the URL that is the best match. It's a good addition, but the devil is in the details.

Google Chrome comes with the very same feature, autocomplete in the address bar. But the very subtle differences make Firefox's implementation a bit less useful.

The problem is that autocomplete suggestions can be quite annoying, especially when they're wrong. Even if they're not "wrong", i.e. they work as intended, they can still hurt usability rather than help it.

The Firefox team diverted from the way Google implemented the feature. In Chrome, the full URL of the most visited page that matches what you've typed so far is filled in.

In Firefox, only the domain name is filled in, not the entire URL, even if you generally visit a specific page and not the index.

For example, if you regularly use Google Reader, you would see autocompleted in Chrome when you started typing "google" but in Firefox.

In some cases, you want the top domain name filled in, for example for a newspaper site; in some cases you want the full URL, if you're using a product on the subdomain and so on.

It's hard to determine which approach is the best since it depends a lot on personal choice and the sites you visit.

Where both browsers falter is with sub sections of a site. Both Firefox and Chrome give precedence to the letters to the left, i.e. if you type "r" they are both going to suggest websites that start with "r" or, bar that, those that have "r" very early in their domain name.

Even if you're a heavy Google Reader user and you've only visited a site that starts with "r" once or twice in months, the latter will be suggested.

There is a logic behind this, it would be very annoying if you started to type something and the first match would be some Facebook page that just happens to have the letters somewhere near the end of the URL in some randomly generated ID. Still, this could be fixed with a bit of algorithm wits.

Still, the feature can prove very useful in both browsers especially since you can remove suggestions to give the ranking algorithms a hand. Just select the suggestion you don't like and hit the "Delete" key to remove it or "Shift+Delete" to remove it permanently from the suggestions.

Another trick in Google Chrome is to press the "Ctrl" key to prioritize items from the history rather than bookmarks or search suggestions.

Finally, if you find the feature annoying, you can disable it in Firefox. Go to "about:config" search for browser.urlbar.autoFill and double-click it to set it to "false."

Malaysian Cyber Conference 1.1

Malaysian Cyber Conference kini kembali !

Persidangan ini akan diadakan pada 30 Jun 2012 bertempat di Putra World Trade Center (PWTC).Ia akan bermula pada pada jam 12.00 tengah hari sehingga pukul 6 petang.Hanya 100 orang pembayar terawal sahaja akan mendapat tempat.Bayarannya ialah RM10 sahaja ! Kemungkinan besar,sijil turut akan diberikan tetapi penginapan tidak akan disediakan.

Cara pembayaran melalui bank-in :

CIMB : Muhd Auzan bin Azmi

Emailkan juga nama penuh,nombor kad pengenalan,nombor telefon,alamat serta slip bank sebagai bukti pembayaran kepada
Tarikh tutup pembayaran ialah pada 23 Jun 2012.

Aturcara majlis tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

12.00 -> 2.00 = Pendaftaran dan makan tengahari
2.30 = Perasmian dan ucapan pengarah program
2.45 -> 3.15 = Pembentangan pendedahan
3.15 -> 5.00 = Forum mengenai pendedahan MCC dan Vyrec
5.30 -> 6.00 = Sesi bergambar
6.00 = Bersurai

Bagi sebarang maklumat lanjut,anda boleh melayari Facebook Fan Page Malaysian Cyber Conference yang rasmi.
Untuk sebarang update mengenai Malaysian Cyber Conference,anda boleh ikuti mereka di Twitter mereka iaitu!/mycyberconf
Layari juga laman sesawang mereka

Experts Name Flame’s MD5 Chosen-Prefix Collision Attack “Unknown”

Microsoft has released further details on the MD5 hash collision attacks utilized by the Flame malware to sign its code and make it look like it came from the company.

According to experts, at first glance Flame appeared to have a valid digital signature, but after further analysis, they reached the conclusion that there were many irregularities.

For instance, it had no X.509 extension fields, and the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Distribution Point (CDP) extension, the “Microsoft Hydra” critical extension, and an Authority Information Access (AIA) extension were missing.

They also noticed that a field called Issuer Unique Identifier, which is normally obsolete and not used by Microsoft, contained a correctly encoded X.509V3 extension field.

Researchers have explained that the collision attacks were performed by Flame’s masterminds because they were needed to forge certificates that would be valid for code signing on Windows Vista and more recent versions of the operating system.

The rogue certificates would not work on these Windows variants and that’s why the cybercriminals had to come up with the clever way of making them valid for code signing.

To minimize the risks, Microsoft not only made some modifications to the Terminals Server Licensing Certificate infrastructure, but they’ve also released the out-of-band update that most users should have applied by now.

On the other hand, Marc Stevens and Benne de Weger, specialists in the field of rouge certificates, have revealed some interesting findings, naming the MD5 chosen-prefix collision attacks “unknown.”

“We have confirmed that Flame uses a yet unknown md5 chosen-prefix collision attack. We are interested in other possible certs based on this md5 coll attack for further analysis,” they explained.

“We are now analyzing their chosen-prefix collision attack in more detail, (more examples would greatly help) and trying to write up some results and conclusions to make a more detailed statement. The collision attack itself is very interesting from a scientific viewpoint and there are already some practical implications.”

YouTube Will Stream the Olympics Live on 10 HD Channels

The Olympics are coming. London will host this year's competitions. With so many sports and so many athletes from so many countries, the interest in the event is very high.

Of course, many of the races and competitions will be broadcasted by local televisions, it will be almost impossible to miss the biggest sports and the biggest athletes.

But with a competition so large, not everything will be covered. Which is why it's great that YouTube has struck a deal with the International Olympic Committee to stream many of the events on the site live.

"Millions of Olympic fans from across 64 territories in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa will have a chance to watch the games live from London," YouTube wrote.

"In total, the IOC’s YouTube Channel will offer fans in these countries over 2,200 hours of high-definition sporting event coverage from London 2012, including all the medal finals," YouTube explained.

YouTube will stream the full events only in a few countries, free of charge, where the IOC hasn't sold broadcast rights. Unfortunately for most of the world, that's not the case so you'll only get historic footage, teasers and probably highlights during the event.

Still, that still leaves a lot of places where the streams will be available. And sports fans are in for a treat. There will be 10 concurrent live streams from the event, streaming HD content from 9am to 11pm London time. There's also a non-stop news channel with the highlights and important events of the day.

"For those not in these particular countries, you can already watch historic clips from past Games on the IOC channel and teasers from London on the London 2012 YouTube Channel. Hopefully, these will hold you over until the triumphant entrance of the athletes at the Opening Ceremony on July 27," YouTube added.

Google Replaces Yandex in Firefox 14

Google has famously been the default search engine in Firefox for many years. What few people know is that Google is not the default in every country. In places where Google does not dominate, Mozilla prefers to have the local favorite as the default, despite the monetary agreement.

For example, Yandex is the default search engine in the Russian version of the browser, Yahoo is used in some parts of Asia.

But that's about to change soon, apparently, Mozilla wants to switch from Yandex to Google with Firefox 14 in Russia.

There's no explanation for the move from Mozilla so we can only speculate. It could be that Google is paying well for the position, useful especially since it's far behind Yandex in Russian-speaking countries, however Mozilla hasn't made too many decision based on monetary needs before.

Hackers Take the LulzSec Name, Again (Video)

A group of hackers has released a video in which they announce the return of the LulzSec collective. As expected, the news has already raised a lot of controversy among online activists, some Anonymous channels naming the decision an “insult” to the famous Topiary.

“ITs out ! FBI did not destroy Lulzsec , were back for an epic revenge!” one of the hackers wrote on Twitter.

A video released by the members of the newly formed LulzSec reveals even more details regarding their reasons and plans.

“The oppressive powers behind the Evil empire have used Darth Sabu to seed mistrusting amongst the inhabitants of the planet Anonymous. The Old Order of the Knights of the Lulz, hunted and exterminated by FBI Siths, have gone into the shadows,” they wrote.

“Those who have survived are secretly preparing to revenge and meditating about the events. Meanwhile the ruling Empire has started building the Death Laws, to be used to control freedom and the spread of information on the Internet.”

After some Star Wars-themed scenario in which they explain their reasons, they reveal that they’re currently analyzing terabytes of data they allegedly obtained from “the empire.”

The list of targets mentioned in the video includes, the FBI, US Military, Syrian government, and Columbian prisons.

Of course, ever since the original LulzSec hackers were arrested, many have tried to resurrect the group. The most successful of them was the LulzSec Reborn gang that managed to make an impression after breaching sites such as MilitarySingles and CSS Corp.

However, Anonymous publicly stated its disapproval of the lulzy collective.

Now, the new LulzSecs haven’t even begun hacking sites and they’re already called attention seekers.

Here's the video:

Expert Shows How Twitter Can Be Used to Crack Passwords

Joshua Dustin, an information security expert, has made a small experiment to show how Twitter can be used to create password cracking wordlists.

For his demonstration, Dustin relied on the John the Ripper password cracker and used the MD5 password hashes dumped by LulzSec Reborn after they had breached the website.

First, the expert made a script that connected to Twitter and extracted 500 tweets that matched the supplied terms, creating a list of the words from those posts. Then he fed the script some of the relevant words.

The result: 4,400 unique words which, when compared to the MilitarySingles hashes, returned 1,978 passwords.

“And that's 1978 uniques. The number of accounts we actually cracked with these 1978 passwords is actually even more than 4400 accounts cause many use the same passwords as each other, and with the mangling rules John tries ~300 mutations of each word in the list (semperfi gives us semperFi, semperfi1, semperfi123, etc),” Dustin explained.

Facebook Wants to Open Up the Site to Kids Under 13

Facebook is looking into ways of getting kids under 13 years old to use the site legally and without causing a privacy nightmare. Currently, the site like all the other in the US, are closed off to young kids due to legislation requiring parental approval over any data stored for kids this young.

But that doesn't mean that a lot of kids aren't already using the site, some with their parents' help, some without their knowledge.

The social network is exploring ways it could get these kids to use the site and stay within the confines of the law. For example, parents will have to create accounts for children younger than 13 years old. They'll also get to approve any friend requests and be able to read messages and control the kids' profiles.

There are bound to be a lot of people scandalized by this, but most of them are going to be scandalized by one thing or another anyway. The move would solve a real problem and make the parents responsible for their kids' well-being, as they should.

Host Gator Hacked by S3rver.exe

The systems of Host Gator, a company that hosts over 8 million domains, have been breached by s3rver.exe. The hacker described the attack in a Pastebin document.

By leveraging a post cookie injection present on the site’s tickets subdomain, he managed to obtain the administrator’s password. Then he uploaded a shell that allowed him to gain access to the domain files of

The data dump doesn’t seem to contain any sensitive information, but it shows that he has possessed access to certain restricted areas.

After the next phase, which s3rver.exe described as being a man-in-the middle attack, he contacted a member of Host Gator’s support team, asking him why the domain is down. The technician confirmed that for some reason there appeared to be “an issue on the server.”

At press time, the files uploaded by the hacker onto the tracking subdomain were still there.

AntiSec Hackers Reveal Security Holes in the UK’s NHS

A group of hackers called k0detec that describes itself as a “fraction of the Anonymous faction that is AntiSec” claims to have found major vulnerabilities in systems owned by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS).

The hackers whose location is spread out across the United States, UK and Eastern Europe have contacted Softpedia to reveal their discoveries.

“You may recall last year that LulzSec, which we of course claim only an ideological affiliation with, warned the British NHS that their systems were vulnerable,” the hackers said, referring to a BBC article.

“We have audited a number of NHS vessels and found them to be woefully insecure and not at all ship shape. We have even found logins and passwords to the UK govt GSI. This is a disappointment,” they explained.

K0detec claims to have gained access to a number of 11 systems owned by the NHS. In addition, they also have intranet access to a couple of the “vessels.”

Although they are able to access the credentials of thousands of users, the hackers state that it is not their intention to leak the data and cause damage.

“We have, obviously, a number of motivations in endeavoring to bring this issue to light,” a member of k0detec said.

“We wish to get our message out, that infosec snake oil salesmen are jeopardizing the privacy of the people, we also wish to embarrass the UK government and we wish to see the problems publicized and then fixed. We believe medical data of civilians to be, in essence, sacrosanct.”

The security experts believe that the NHS should have rigorous security auditing in place for their infrastructures and they even go as far as saying that some of the IT administrators and consultants “need to walk the plank.”

Worryingly, the exploits utilized by the hackers to compromise the organization’s systems and extract data are not zero-days, but publicly available vulnerabilities.

“Any claim that, once again, this is a ‘local problem’ is at best willful ignorance or at worst outright lies. If we have access to this information you can be guaranteed others do too, one compromised system leads quickly to a domino effect of fallen safeguards. This information also contains a goldmine of potential social engineering avenues,” they conclude.

To demonstrate their findings, the hackers have provided us with a small sample of information, allegedly obtained from NHS, that includes email addresses, names, usernames, job titles, and password hashes.

While the passwords are encrypted, k0detec members are confident that they can be decrypted.

Apple Publishes iOS Security Guide

Apple has quietly released a PDF document that details the iOS system architecture, encryption and data protection, network security, and more such topics in an apparent move to switch away from the stringent regime instated by the former Apple CEO, Steve Jobs.

Particularly aimed at organizations considering the security of iOS devices, the respective document “iOS Security” helps administrators understand “how the built-in security features work together to provide a secure mobile computing platform.”

Apple notes that its engineers have designed the mobile operating system with security as a core focus.

“Keeping information secure on mobile devices is critical for any user, whether they’re accessing corporate and customer information or storing personal photos, banking information, and addresses,” the document explains.

“Because every user’s information is important, iOS devices are built to maintain a high level of security without compromising the user experience.”

Although Apple bolstered security, iOS is still an easy-to-use platform: “The devices are designed to make security as transparent as possible.

"Many security features are enabled by default, so IT departments don’t need to perform extensive configurations. And some key features, like device encryption, are not configurable, so users cannot disable them by mistake,” the company elaborates.

The Mac maker even mentions malware, and how the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch are all designed with multiple layers of security to keep cyber-crooks away.

“Low-level hardware and firmware features protect against malware and viruses, while high-level OS features allow secure access to personal information and corporate data, prevent unauthorized use, and help thwart attacks.”

For those who take great interest in the security of their iDevice, the document in question can be found right here.

Dota 2 Is Officially Free-to-Play, Has Support for Steam Workshop

Valve has confirmed that its upcoming Dota 2 multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) title will be completely free-to-play, although users will be able to customize their heroes with different gear that can be sold via the in-game store, just like in Team Fortress 2. What’s more, add-ons for the game can also be developed and distributed through the Steam Workshop service.

Dota 2 is one of Valve’s big releases this year, alongside Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, so the studio wants to make sure that players will be thrilled with the multiplayer experience before its actual launch later this year.

After hinting and teasing that the game might be free-to-play, the studio has now confirmed that gamers can experience it without paying a single cent.

Money will be extracted from the in-game store, where Valve, as well as players can sell customizable items, just like in Team Fortress 2. However, the studio has emphasized that these items are just cosmetic and won’t offer advantages in the game.

“Today we’re announcing that Dota 2 will be free to play, and contain an in-game store where you’ll be able to buy fancy gear to customize your heroes. We wanted to address the two most common concerns right away: Dota 2 will not be a pay-to-win game. All the items in the store are cosmetic, and don’t affect gameplay. All of the heroes will be available free of charge. We believe restricting player access to heroes could be destructive to game design, so it’s something we plan to avoid.”

Besides the in-game store, players will be able to download add-ons and new content for the game via the Steam Workshop. From here, Valve can pick potential new features for the game, just like it’s doing with Team Fortress 2, and will pay users for their ideas.

“Today we’re also announcing that Dota 2 is now part of the Steam Workshop. If you’re not familiar with the Steam Workshop, it’s a place where fans can upload content they’ve created for a game, and other players can vote and comment on it. The development team then takes those uploads and releases them as official parts of the game itself, and the original fan creator gets a slice of the sales from the in-game store.”

Overall, Dota 2 is practically using the same successful system as Team Fortress 2 and, given the popularity of the online shooter, it’s quite a good idea.

Samsung Releases GALAXY S III Source Code

Android tech-savvy and developers rejoice as Samsung has just released Galaxy S III’s kernel source code. This means that modders will now be able to start creating custom kernels based on Samsung’s Android flagship smartphone.

Devs should take into consideration that the source code released is only valid for the international version of Galaxy S III (GT-I9300). However, we can safely assume that as soon as the North American variant goes on sale, Samsung will publish the kernel source as well.

Still, Android developers will be able to take advantage of this source code in order to tinker with one of the best smartphones that is now available on the market.

The Galaxy S III source code is now available for download via Samsung Open Source Community site, but in order to access it users will need a valid account.

No More Start Menu Hacks in Windows 8 Release Preview

In addition to the wide range of other changes that the almost-here Release Preview of Windows 8 is expected to pack in terms of performance and visual design, there might also be some that could make some users very unhappy.

Apparently, Microsoft has decided to put an end to the possibility to come up with third-party apps that recreate the classic start menu on Windows 8.

The company will remove the legacy code that enabled enthusiasts to offer such software in Windows 8 Developer Preview or Consumer Preview, and it will all start with the next flavor of the platform Release Preview.

When this OS version arrives, something that might happen today or tomorrow, rumor has it, the Start Button and the Start Menu that Windows users grew attached to will be gone for good.

In fact, the Redmond-based software giant is expected to make a similar move for other software that might have made the new Windows 8 flavor resemble the older platform releases, a recent article on WinSupersite reads.

The new Metro Start Menu is here to stay, and all customers, including end-users of business grade ones, should get accustomed to that. No one will be able to boot directly into the Desktop mode starting with Windows 8 Release Preview, and the same will apply to Windows Server 12 as well.

Of course, Microsoft designed Windows 8 to work great on devices featuring touchscreen displays, but that does not mean that the same design principles would fully apply to traditional PCs using a keyboard and mouse for input.

While this observation was made quite a few times before, it seems that Microsoft chose to ignore it. Furthermore, the company is so confident in Windows 8’s Metro UI capability to appeal to users, that it even said recently that users will learn to live with it.

The question is not whether that will indeed happen or not, but rather whether Microsoft will indeed manage to revolutionize the PC market with the inclusion of consumer-oriented mobile technologies into its core Windows products.

At the moment, Windows holds the largest market share in the PC, and its availability on tablet PCs and other mobile-centric devices should help it gain some more ground.

But with many “traditional” users protesting against the domination of the Metro interface in Windows 8, it remains to be seen whether the platform will indeed succeed becoming popular enough in the desktop segment to enjoy massive adoption in the consumer and business areas alike.

10 Places You’re Not Allowed to See on Google Maps

If you think you have seen it all then you are wrong, Google Earth and Google Map does not allow you to see everything. There are some places or secrets which are kept under darkness by Google Maps. Below is the list of 10 places which are not allowed to see on Google Maps.

The Royal Residence, The Netherlands

The Royal Palace of Amsterdam in the Netherlands — called Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam — joins a long list of places blurred on Google Maps related to the Dutch royal family, including the Royal Stables and another residence called Huis ten Bosch

Buffalo Niagara International Airport

The Buffalo Niagara International Airport is largely whited out on Google Maps and details can’t be seen when the area is zoomed in.

Tantauco National Park, Chile

The Tantauco National Park in Chile can only be seen from a marker via Google Maps. The private natural reserve is home to many endangered animals.

Keowee Dam, South Carolina

Man-made reservoir Keowee Dam on Lake Keowee in South Carolina is also blurred on Google Maps. Shaped like a Christmas tree, the dam helps run a power utility called the Duke Energy company.

Mysterious Russian Site

It's not sure why this location in Russia has been blurred out, especially since it’s in the Siberian tundra. The closest city is Egvekinot, Russia, which is a neighbor to Alaska across the Bering Strait.

Minami Torishima Airport, Japan

The Minami Torishima Airport — a one-runway airport serving the island of Minami Torishima, located off the east coast of Japan — is oversaturated with white. It is currently used by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The Michael Aaf Building, Utah

The Dugway Proving Ground in Dugway, Utah is a region occupied by the U.S. Army where the military can test biological and chemical weapon systems. The Michael Aaf building on the proving ground is whited out, most likely for security reasons.

Cornell University Combined Heat and Power Plant, New York

The Cornell University Combined Heat and Power Plant in Ithaca, NY — which opened in 2010 — is blurred on Google Maps. The high-tech, eco-friendly facility generates electricity from natural gas as a part of the university’s effort to lower its carbon dioxide emissions.

Babylon, Iraq

The city of Babylon, Iraq looks more like endless farmland than a bustling city.

Vlissingen, The Netherlands

Properties owned by the Dutch royal family aren’t the only places blurred in the Netherlands. Joining the list are the oil tanks in Vlissingen (pictured), as well as several army bases and air force bases. The land area to the left also appears to be pixelated and adjusted.

Windows 8 Release Preview Build 8400 Reportedly Leaks Online

Microsoft’s Windows 8 Release Preview flavor is expected to become available for download as soon as next week, yet it seems that the build might have already leaked online.

A post on the WinUnleaked forums suggests that the Windows 8 Release Preview build 8400 is already available for download on various peer to peer websites, in the form of an ISO image.

Previously, Softpedia had the chance to have a look at some leaked info on Microsoft’s official Release Preview builds, and it appears that the leaked software matches one of them.

Apparently, this is indeed a legit build of Release Preview for China, and those who would like to give it a try can verify that through having a look at its HASH.

It should be:
MD5: F3AC28467258EC9F0ECEAF9690A0F06E
SHA1: C21B69413E08FCFB756EEDB2B99D0C0472486D1C
CRC32: 67F85067

Of course, the official release is only several days away, but there are already a lot of people growing anxious to learn more on what Microsoft has packed inside the latest Windows 8 flavor.

Some of the latest reports on the matter suggested that there would be updated and new Metro applications from the Redmond-based software giant, in addition to a series of visual changes.

Unlike in the Windows 8 Developer Preview and Consumer Preview versions, the future flavors of the platform should lose the Aero Glass and suffer modifications to the common controls on desktop mode.

Overall, the Windows 8 Desktop should show increased influence from the new Metro UI that dominates the platform. However, these modifications will be visible only in the final flavor of the OS.

The usability and performance of the platform will also be enhanced in upcoming releases, and the first taste of these improvements will arrive next week in Windows 8 Release Preview.

Most probably, the aforementioned leaked build will enable enthusiasts to learn some more on what these changes are all about.

Given that this is not an official Windows 8 release from Microsoft, however, we would advise users to refrain from downloading and installing it on their computers.

Chrome Will Be the First to Support HTML5 Seamless Iframes

Google Chrome is always evolving and new features trickle down the development chain until they reach the over 200 million users threshold. The six weeks release schedule means that new features are always landing, but if you really want to be on the bleeding edge, you need to be using the Chromium builds.

That's where the latest and greatest additions are made and it's where you'll see them first. In the past week, Chrome/Chromium has gotten quite a few improvements.

One interesting addition is support for the seamless iframes, which is mostly complete now that the layout code has been merged. Seamless iframes are an HTML5 addition, not currently supported by any browser, which enable web developers to integrate iframes, well, seamlessly into pages, without any borders, scroll bars and so on.

While iframes were heavily frowned upon only a few years back, and for good reason, they're making a comeback now that the web is more intertwined than ever.

Number of Tattooed Women Is Spiking

Getting a tattoo might no longer be as original or outrageous as it once was, but it's certainly as attractive. Proof of that is the fact that nowadays more women in the US have body art than men do, as the video below will confirm.

Shot during last weekend's New York City Tattoo Convention, the 15th annual edition, it proves that ink is becoming increasingly more appealing to women than before, assuming a recent survey that says the same isn't enough to convince you.

Said survey has revealed that 23 percent of women in the US have at least one tattoo on them, whereas only 19 percent of men go under the needle.

As the video will show, the women are also willing to travel many miles and spend a small fortune to get their piece done by someone whose work they value – and who's a woman as well, if possible.

Actress Lucy Challenger, for instance, traveled all the way to New York from London to have a 2-year-old piece completed.

She says the process was lengthy, painful and expensive, but she doesn't regret it in the least. She too chose to have a female tattoo artist work on her, because she wanted the tattoo to have a “feminine touch.”

The piece is a phoenix that stretches from her upper thigh all the way to her rib cage, over her derrière.

“I’ve had about 35 hours of work so far, and I’ve got another eight hours to go. So I’m it bringing home for the women that, you know, we can sit there and just take it,” Challenger says.

This last session cost her $1,000 (€769.8) and she realizes she spent a lot more to see her piece completed.

“It is a big investment. Not everyone can spend that amount of money, but it is once in a lifetime,” she says.

As for why she chose to have a female tattoo artist (their numbers too are increasing) do the work on her, Challenger says she's more comfortable that way.

“Her work is unbelievable. And I was really attracted to the fact that she’s obviously a woman and I really wanted a feminine touch in my tattoo,” she says.

Top 10 Most Famous Hackers of All Time

The portrayal of hackers in the media has ranged from the high-tech super-spy, as in Mission Impossible where Ethan Hunt repels from the ceiling to hack the CIA computer system and steal the "NOC list," to the lonely anti-social teen who is simply looking for entertainment.

The reality, however, is that hackers are a very diverse bunch, a group simultaneously blamed with causing billions of dollars in damages as well as credited with the development of the World Wide Web and the founding of major tech companies. In this article, we test the theory that truth is better than fiction by introducing you to ten of the most famous hackers, both nefarious and heroic, to let you decide for yourself.

Black Hat Crackers

The Internet abounds with hackers, known as crackers or "black hats," who work to exploit computer systems. They are the ones you've seen on the news being hauled away for cybercrimes. Some of them do it for fun and curiosity, while others are looking for personal gain. In this section we profile five of the most famous and interesting "black hat" hackers.

Jonathan James: James gained notoriety when he became the first juvenile to be sent to prison for hacking. He was sentenced at 16 years old. In an anonymous PBS interview, he professes, "I was just looking around, playing around. What was fun for me was a challenge to see what I could pull off."

James's major intrusions targeted high-profile organizations. He installed a backdoor into a Defense Threat Reduction Agency server. The DTRA is an agency of the Department of Defense charged with reducing the threat to the U.S. and its allies from nuclear, biological, chemical, conventional and special weapons. The backdoor he created enabled him to view sensitive emails and capture employee usernames and passwords.

James also cracked into NASA computers, stealing software worth approximately $1.7 million. According to the Department of Justice, "The software supported the International Space Station's physical environment, including control of the temperature and humidity within the living space." NASA was forced to shut down its computer systems, ultimately racking up a $41,000 cost. James explained that he downloaded the code to supplement his studies on C programming, but contended, "The code itself was crappy . . . certainly not worth $1.7 million like they claimed."

Given the extent of his intrusions, if James, also known as "c0mrade," had been an adult he likely would have served at least 10 years. Instead, he was banned from recreational computer use and was slated to serve a six-month sentence under house arrest with probation. However, he served six months in prison for violation of parole. Today, James asserts that he's learned his lesson and might start a computer security company.

Adrian Lamo: Lamo's claim to fame is his break-ins at major organizations like The New York Times and Microsoft. Dubbed the "homeless hacker," he used Internet connections at Kinko's, coffee shops and libraries to do his intrusions. In a profile article, "He Hacks by Day, Squats by Night," Lamo reflects, "I have a laptop in Pittsburgh, a change of clothes in D.C. It kind of redefines the term multi-jurisdictional."

Lamo's intrusions consisted mainly of penetration testing, in which he found flaws in security, exploited them and then informed companies of their shortcomings. His hits include Yahoo!, Bank of America, Citigroup and Cingular. When white hat hackers are hired by companies to do penetration testing, it's legal. What Lamo did is not.

When he broke into The New York Times' intranet, things got serious. He added himself to a list of experts and viewed personal information on contributors, including Social Security numbers. Lamo also hacked into The Times' LexisNexis account to research high-profile subject matter.

For his intrusion at The New York Times, Lamo was ordered to pay approximately $65,000 in restitution. He was also sentenced to six months of home confinement and two years of probation, which expired January 16, 2007. Lamo is currently working as an award-winning journalist and public speaker.

Kevin Mitnick: A self-proclaimed "hacker poster boy," Mitnick went through a highly publicized pursuit by authorities. His mischief was hyped by the media but his actual offenses may be less notable than his notoriety suggests. The Department of Justice describes him as "the most wanted computer criminal in United States history." His exploits were detailed in two movies: Freedom Downtime and Takedown.

Mitnick had a bit of hacking experience before committing the offenses that made him famous. He started out exploiting the Los Angeles bus punch card system to get free rides. Then, like Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, dabbled in phone phreaking. Although there were numerous offenses, Mitnick was ultimately convicted for breaking into the Digital Equipment Corporation's computer network and stealing software.

Mitnick's mischief got serious when he went on a two and a half year "coast-to-coast hacking spree." The CNN article, "Legendary computer hacker released from prison," explains that "he hacked into computers, stole corporate secrets, scrambled phone networks and broke into the national defense warning system." He then hacked into computer expert and fellow hacker Tsutomu Shimomura's home computer, which led to his undoing.

Today, Mitnick has been able to move past his role as a black hat hacker and become a productive member of society. He served five years, about 8 months of it in solitary confinement, and is now a computer security consultant, author and speaker.

Kevin Poulsen: Also known as Dark Dante, Poulsen gained recognition for his hack of LA radio's KIIS-FM phone lines, which earned him a brand new Porsche, among other items. Law enforcement dubbed him "the Hannibal Lecter of computer crime."

Authorities began to pursue Poulsen after he hacked into a federal investigation database. During this pursuit, he further drew the ire of the FBI by hacking into federal computers for wiretap information.

His hacking specialty, however, revolved around telephones. Poulsen's most famous hack, KIIS-FM, was accomplished by taking over all of the station's phone lines. In a related feat, Poulsen also "reactivated old Yellow Page escort telephone numbers for an acquaintance who then ran a virtual escort agency." Later, when his photo came up on the show Unsolved Mysteries, 1-800 phone lines for the program crashed. Ultimately, Poulsen was captured in a supermarket and served a sentence of five years.

Since serving time, Poulsen has worked as a journalist. He is now a senior editor for Wired News. His most prominent article details his work on identifying 744 sex offenders with MySpace profiles.

Robert Tappan Morris: Morris, son of former National Security Agency scientist Robert Morris, is known as the creator of the Morris Worm, the first computer worm to be unleashed on the Internet. As a result of this crime, he was the first person prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Morris wrote the code for the worm while he was a student at Cornell. He asserts that he intended to use it to see how large the Internet was. The worm, however, replicated itself excessively, slowing computers down so that they were no longer usable. It is not possible to know exactly how many computers were affected, but experts estimate an impact of 6,000 machines. He was sentenced to three years' probation, 400 hours of community service and a fined $10,500.

Morris is currently working as a tenured professor at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He principally researches computer network architectures including distributed hash tables such as Chord and wireless mesh networks such as Roofnet.

White Hat Hackers

Hackers that use their skills for good are classified as "white hat." These white hats often work as certified "Ethical Hackers," hired by companies to test the integrity of their systems. Others, operate without company permission by bending but not breaking laws and in the process have created some really cool stuff. In this section we profile five white hat hackers and the technologies they have developed.

Stephen Wozniak: "Woz" is famous for being the "other Steve" of Apple. Wozniak, along with current Apple CEO Steve Jobs, co-founded Apple Computer. He has been awarded with the National Medal of Technology as well as honorary doctorates from Kettering University and Nova Southeastern University. Additionally, Woz was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in September 2000.

Woz got his start in hacking making blue boxes, devices that bypass telephone-switching mechanisms to make free long-distance calls. After reading an article about phone phreaking in Esquire, Wozniak called up his buddy Jobs. The pair did research on frequencies, then built and sold blue boxes to their classmates in college. Wozniak even used a blue box to call the Pope while pretending to be Henry Kissinger.

Wozniak dropped out of college and came up with the computer that eventually made him famous. Jobs had the bright idea to sell the computer as a fully assembled PC board. The Steves sold Wozniak's cherished scientific calculator and Jobs' VW van for capital and got to work assembling prototypes in Jobs' garage. Wozniak designed the hardware and most of the software. In the Letters section of, he recalls doing "what Ed Roberts and Bill Gates and Paul Allen did and tons more, with no help." Wozniak and Jobs sold the first 100 of the Apple I to a local dealer for $666.66 each.

Woz no longer works full time for Apple, focusing primarily on philanthropy instead. Most notable is his function as fairy godfather to the Los Gatos, Calif. School District. "Wozniak 'adopted' the Los Gatos School District, providing students and teachers with hands-on teaching and donations of state-of-the-art technology equipment."

Tim Berners-Lee: Berners-Lee is famed as the inventor of the World Wide Web, the system that we use to access sites, documents and files on the Internet. He has received numerous recognitions, most notably the Millennium Technology Prize.

While a student at Oxford University, Berners-Lee was caught hacking access with a friend and subsequently banned from University computers. reports, "Whilst [at Oxford], he built his first computer with a soldering iron, TTL gates, an M6800 processor and an old television." Technological innovation seems to have run in his genes, as Berners-Lee's parents were mathematicians who worked on the Manchester Mark1, one of the earliest electronic computers.

While working with CERN, a European nuclear research organization, Berners-Lee created a hypertext prototype system that helped researchers share and update information easily. He later realized that hypertext could be joined with the Internet. Berners-Lee recounts how he put them together: "I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the TCP and DNS ideas and – ta-da! – the World Wide Web."

Since his creation of the World Wide Web, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium at MIT. The W3C describes itself as "an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff and the public work together to develop Web standards." Berners-Lee's World Wide Web idea, as well as standards from the W3C, is distributed freely with no patent or royalties due.

Linus Torvalds: Torvalds fathered Linux, the very popular Unix-based operating system. He calls himself "an engineer," and has said that his aspirations are simple, "I just want to have fun making the best damn operating system I can."

Torvalds got his start in computers with a Commodore VIC-20, an 8-bit home computer. He then moved on to a Sinclair QL. Wikipedia reports that he modified the Sinclair "extensively, especially its operating system." Specifically, Torvalds hacks included "an assembler and a text editor…as well as a few games."

Torvalds created the Linux kernel in 1991, using the Minix operating system as inspiration. He started with a task switcher in Intel 80386 assembly and a terminal driver. After that, he put out a call for others to contribute code, which they did. Currently, only about 2 percent of the current Linux kernel is written by Torvalds himself. The success of this public invitation to contribute code for Linux is touted as one of the most prominent examples of free/open source software.

Currently, Torvalds serves as the Linux ringleader, coordinating the code that volunteer programmers contribute to the kernel. He has had an asteroid named after him and received honorary doctorates from Stockholm University and University of Helsinki. He was also featured in Time Magazine's "60 Years of Heroes."

Richard Stallman: Stallman's fame derives from the GNU Project, which he founded to develop a free operating system. For this, he's known as the father of free software. His "Serious Bio" asserts, "Non-free software keeps users divided and helpless, forbidden to share it and unable to change it. A free operating system is essential for people to be able to use computers in freedom."

Stallman, who prefers to be called rms, got his start hacking at MIT. He worked as a "staff hacker" on the Emacs project and others. He was a critic of restricted computer access in the lab. When a password system was installed, Stallman broke it down, resetting passwords to null strings, then sent users messages informing them of the removal of the password system.

Stallman's crusade for free software started with a printer. At the MIT lab, he and other hackers were allowed to modify code on printers so that they sent convenient alert messages. However, a new printer came along – one that they were not allowed to modify. It was located away from the lab and the absence of the alerts presented an inconvenience. It was at this point that he was "convinced…of the ethical need to require free software."

With this inspiration, he began work on GNU. Stallman wrote an essay, "The GNU Project," in which he recalls choosing to work on an operating system because it's a foundation, "the crucial software to use a computer." At this time, the GNU/Linux version of the operating system uses the Linux kernel started by Torvalds. GNU is distributed under "copyleft," a method that employs copyright law to allow users to use, modify, copy and distribute the software.

Stallman's life continues to revolve around the promotion of free software. He works against movements like Digital Rights Management (or as he prefers, Digital Restrictions Management) through organizations like Free Software Foundation and League for Programming Freedom. He has received extensive recognition for his work, including awards, fellowships and four honorary doctorates.

Tsutomu Shimomura: Shimomura reached fame in an unfortunate manner: he was hacked by Kevin Mitnick. Following this personal attack, he made it his cause to help the FBI capture him.

Shimomura's work to catch Mitnick is commendable, but he is not without his own dark side. Author Bruce Sterling recalls: "He pulls out this AT&T cellphone, pulls it out of the shrinkwrap, finger-hacks it, and starts monitoring phone calls going up and down Capitol Hill while an FBI agent is standing at his shoulder, listening to him."

Shimomura out-hacked Mitnick to bring him down. Shortly after finding out about the intrusion, he rallied a team and got to work finding Mitnick. Using Mitnick's cell phone, they tracked him near Raleigh-Durham International Airport. The article, "SDSC Computer Experts Help FBI Capture Computer Terrorist" recounts how Shimomura pinpointed Mitnick's location. Armed with a technician from the phone company, Shimomura "used a cellular frequency direction-finding antenna hooked up to a laptop to narrow the search to an apartment complex." Mitnick was arrested shortly thereafter. Following the pursuit, Shimomura wrote a book about the incident with journalist John Markoff, which was later turned into a movie.

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