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10 Places You’re Not Allowed to See on Google Maps

If you think you have seen it all then you are wrong, Google Earth and Google Map does not allow you to see everything. There are some places or secrets which are kept under darkness by Google Maps. Below is the list of 10 places which are not allowed to see on Google Maps.

The Royal Residence, The Netherlands

The Royal Palace of Amsterdam in the Netherlands — called Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam — joins a long list of places blurred on Google Maps related to the Dutch royal family, including the Royal Stables and another residence called Huis ten Bosch

Buffalo Niagara International Airport

The Buffalo Niagara International Airport is largely whited out on Google Maps and details can’t be seen when the area is zoomed in.

Tantauco National Park, Chile

The Tantauco National Park in Chile can only be seen from a marker via Google Maps. The private natural reserve is home to many endangered animals.

Keowee Dam, South Carolina

Man-made reservoir Keowee Dam on Lake Keowee in South Carolina is also blurred on Google Maps. Shaped like a Christmas tree, the dam helps run a power utility called the Duke Energy company.

Mysterious Russian Site

It's not sure why this location in Russia has been blurred out, especially since it’s in the Siberian tundra. The closest city is Egvekinot, Russia, which is a neighbor to Alaska across the Bering Strait.

Minami Torishima Airport, Japan

The Minami Torishima Airport — a one-runway airport serving the island of Minami Torishima, located off the east coast of Japan — is oversaturated with white. It is currently used by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The Michael Aaf Building, Utah

The Dugway Proving Ground in Dugway, Utah is a region occupied by the U.S. Army where the military can test biological and chemical weapon systems. The Michael Aaf building on the proving ground is whited out, most likely for security reasons.

Cornell University Combined Heat and Power Plant, New York

The Cornell University Combined Heat and Power Plant in Ithaca, NY — which opened in 2010 — is blurred on Google Maps. The high-tech, eco-friendly facility generates electricity from natural gas as a part of the university’s effort to lower its carbon dioxide emissions.

Babylon, Iraq

The city of Babylon, Iraq looks more like endless farmland than a bustling city.

Vlissingen, The Netherlands

Properties owned by the Dutch royal family aren’t the only places blurred in the Netherlands. Joining the list are the oil tanks in Vlissingen (pictured), as well as several army bases and air force bases. The land area to the left also appears to be pixelated and adjusted.

Windows 8 Release Preview Build 8400 Reportedly Leaks Online

Microsoft’s Windows 8 Release Preview flavor is expected to become available for download as soon as next week, yet it seems that the build might have already leaked online.

A post on the WinUnleaked forums suggests that the Windows 8 Release Preview build 8400 is already available for download on various peer to peer websites, in the form of an ISO image.

Previously, Softpedia had the chance to have a look at some leaked info on Microsoft’s official Release Preview builds, and it appears that the leaked software matches one of them.

Apparently, this is indeed a legit build of Release Preview for China, and those who would like to give it a try can verify that through having a look at its HASH.

It should be:
MD5: F3AC28467258EC9F0ECEAF9690A0F06E
SHA1: C21B69413E08FCFB756EEDB2B99D0C0472486D1C
CRC32: 67F85067

Of course, the official release is only several days away, but there are already a lot of people growing anxious to learn more on what Microsoft has packed inside the latest Windows 8 flavor.

Some of the latest reports on the matter suggested that there would be updated and new Metro applications from the Redmond-based software giant, in addition to a series of visual changes.

Unlike in the Windows 8 Developer Preview and Consumer Preview versions, the future flavors of the platform should lose the Aero Glass and suffer modifications to the common controls on desktop mode.

Overall, the Windows 8 Desktop should show increased influence from the new Metro UI that dominates the platform. However, these modifications will be visible only in the final flavor of the OS.

The usability and performance of the platform will also be enhanced in upcoming releases, and the first taste of these improvements will arrive next week in Windows 8 Release Preview.

Most probably, the aforementioned leaked build will enable enthusiasts to learn some more on what these changes are all about.

Given that this is not an official Windows 8 release from Microsoft, however, we would advise users to refrain from downloading and installing it on their computers.

Chrome Will Be the First to Support HTML5 Seamless Iframes

Google Chrome is always evolving and new features trickle down the development chain until they reach the over 200 million users threshold. The six weeks release schedule means that new features are always landing, but if you really want to be on the bleeding edge, you need to be using the Chromium builds.

That's where the latest and greatest additions are made and it's where you'll see them first. In the past week, Chrome/Chromium has gotten quite a few improvements.

One interesting addition is support for the seamless iframes, which is mostly complete now that the layout code has been merged. Seamless iframes are an HTML5 addition, not currently supported by any browser, which enable web developers to integrate iframes, well, seamlessly into pages, without any borders, scroll bars and so on.

While iframes were heavily frowned upon only a few years back, and for good reason, they're making a comeback now that the web is more intertwined than ever.

Number of Tattooed Women Is Spiking

Getting a tattoo might no longer be as original or outrageous as it once was, but it's certainly as attractive. Proof of that is the fact that nowadays more women in the US have body art than men do, as the video below will confirm.

Shot during last weekend's New York City Tattoo Convention, the 15th annual edition, it proves that ink is becoming increasingly more appealing to women than before, assuming a recent survey that says the same isn't enough to convince you.

Said survey has revealed that 23 percent of women in the US have at least one tattoo on them, whereas only 19 percent of men go under the needle.

As the video will show, the women are also willing to travel many miles and spend a small fortune to get their piece done by someone whose work they value – and who's a woman as well, if possible.

Actress Lucy Challenger, for instance, traveled all the way to New York from London to have a 2-year-old piece completed.

She says the process was lengthy, painful and expensive, but she doesn't regret it in the least. She too chose to have a female tattoo artist work on her, because she wanted the tattoo to have a “feminine touch.”

The piece is a phoenix that stretches from her upper thigh all the way to her rib cage, over her derrière.

“I’ve had about 35 hours of work so far, and I’ve got another eight hours to go. So I’m it bringing home for the women that, you know, we can sit there and just take it,” Challenger says.

This last session cost her $1,000 (€769.8) and she realizes she spent a lot more to see her piece completed.

“It is a big investment. Not everyone can spend that amount of money, but it is once in a lifetime,” she says.

As for why she chose to have a female tattoo artist (their numbers too are increasing) do the work on her, Challenger says she's more comfortable that way.

“Her work is unbelievable. And I was really attracted to the fact that she’s obviously a woman and I really wanted a feminine touch in my tattoo,” she says.

Top 10 Most Famous Hackers of All Time

The portrayal of hackers in the media has ranged from the high-tech super-spy, as in Mission Impossible where Ethan Hunt repels from the ceiling to hack the CIA computer system and steal the "NOC list," to the lonely anti-social teen who is simply looking for entertainment.

The reality, however, is that hackers are a very diverse bunch, a group simultaneously blamed with causing billions of dollars in damages as well as credited with the development of the World Wide Web and the founding of major tech companies. In this article, we test the theory that truth is better than fiction by introducing you to ten of the most famous hackers, both nefarious and heroic, to let you decide for yourself.

Black Hat Crackers

The Internet abounds with hackers, known as crackers or "black hats," who work to exploit computer systems. They are the ones you've seen on the news being hauled away for cybercrimes. Some of them do it for fun and curiosity, while others are looking for personal gain. In this section we profile five of the most famous and interesting "black hat" hackers.

Jonathan James: James gained notoriety when he became the first juvenile to be sent to prison for hacking. He was sentenced at 16 years old. In an anonymous PBS interview, he professes, "I was just looking around, playing around. What was fun for me was a challenge to see what I could pull off."

James's major intrusions targeted high-profile organizations. He installed a backdoor into a Defense Threat Reduction Agency server. The DTRA is an agency of the Department of Defense charged with reducing the threat to the U.S. and its allies from nuclear, biological, chemical, conventional and special weapons. The backdoor he created enabled him to view sensitive emails and capture employee usernames and passwords.

James also cracked into NASA computers, stealing software worth approximately $1.7 million. According to the Department of Justice, "The software supported the International Space Station's physical environment, including control of the temperature and humidity within the living space." NASA was forced to shut down its computer systems, ultimately racking up a $41,000 cost. James explained that he downloaded the code to supplement his studies on C programming, but contended, "The code itself was crappy . . . certainly not worth $1.7 million like they claimed."

Given the extent of his intrusions, if James, also known as "c0mrade," had been an adult he likely would have served at least 10 years. Instead, he was banned from recreational computer use and was slated to serve a six-month sentence under house arrest with probation. However, he served six months in prison for violation of parole. Today, James asserts that he's learned his lesson and might start a computer security company.

Adrian Lamo: Lamo's claim to fame is his break-ins at major organizations like The New York Times and Microsoft. Dubbed the "homeless hacker," he used Internet connections at Kinko's, coffee shops and libraries to do his intrusions. In a profile article, "He Hacks by Day, Squats by Night," Lamo reflects, "I have a laptop in Pittsburgh, a change of clothes in D.C. It kind of redefines the term multi-jurisdictional."

Lamo's intrusions consisted mainly of penetration testing, in which he found flaws in security, exploited them and then informed companies of their shortcomings. His hits include Yahoo!, Bank of America, Citigroup and Cingular. When white hat hackers are hired by companies to do penetration testing, it's legal. What Lamo did is not.

When he broke into The New York Times' intranet, things got serious. He added himself to a list of experts and viewed personal information on contributors, including Social Security numbers. Lamo also hacked into The Times' LexisNexis account to research high-profile subject matter.

For his intrusion at The New York Times, Lamo was ordered to pay approximately $65,000 in restitution. He was also sentenced to six months of home confinement and two years of probation, which expired January 16, 2007. Lamo is currently working as an award-winning journalist and public speaker.

Kevin Mitnick: A self-proclaimed "hacker poster boy," Mitnick went through a highly publicized pursuit by authorities. His mischief was hyped by the media but his actual offenses may be less notable than his notoriety suggests. The Department of Justice describes him as "the most wanted computer criminal in United States history." His exploits were detailed in two movies: Freedom Downtime and Takedown.

Mitnick had a bit of hacking experience before committing the offenses that made him famous. He started out exploiting the Los Angeles bus punch card system to get free rides. Then, like Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, dabbled in phone phreaking. Although there were numerous offenses, Mitnick was ultimately convicted for breaking into the Digital Equipment Corporation's computer network and stealing software.

Mitnick's mischief got serious when he went on a two and a half year "coast-to-coast hacking spree." The CNN article, "Legendary computer hacker released from prison," explains that "he hacked into computers, stole corporate secrets, scrambled phone networks and broke into the national defense warning system." He then hacked into computer expert and fellow hacker Tsutomu Shimomura's home computer, which led to his undoing.

Today, Mitnick has been able to move past his role as a black hat hacker and become a productive member of society. He served five years, about 8 months of it in solitary confinement, and is now a computer security consultant, author and speaker.

Kevin Poulsen: Also known as Dark Dante, Poulsen gained recognition for his hack of LA radio's KIIS-FM phone lines, which earned him a brand new Porsche, among other items. Law enforcement dubbed him "the Hannibal Lecter of computer crime."

Authorities began to pursue Poulsen after he hacked into a federal investigation database. During this pursuit, he further drew the ire of the FBI by hacking into federal computers for wiretap information.

His hacking specialty, however, revolved around telephones. Poulsen's most famous hack, KIIS-FM, was accomplished by taking over all of the station's phone lines. In a related feat, Poulsen also "reactivated old Yellow Page escort telephone numbers for an acquaintance who then ran a virtual escort agency." Later, when his photo came up on the show Unsolved Mysteries, 1-800 phone lines for the program crashed. Ultimately, Poulsen was captured in a supermarket and served a sentence of five years.

Since serving time, Poulsen has worked as a journalist. He is now a senior editor for Wired News. His most prominent article details his work on identifying 744 sex offenders with MySpace profiles.

Robert Tappan Morris: Morris, son of former National Security Agency scientist Robert Morris, is known as the creator of the Morris Worm, the first computer worm to be unleashed on the Internet. As a result of this crime, he was the first person prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Morris wrote the code for the worm while he was a student at Cornell. He asserts that he intended to use it to see how large the Internet was. The worm, however, replicated itself excessively, slowing computers down so that they were no longer usable. It is not possible to know exactly how many computers were affected, but experts estimate an impact of 6,000 machines. He was sentenced to three years' probation, 400 hours of community service and a fined $10,500.

Morris is currently working as a tenured professor at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He principally researches computer network architectures including distributed hash tables such as Chord and wireless mesh networks such as Roofnet.

White Hat Hackers

Hackers that use their skills for good are classified as "white hat." These white hats often work as certified "Ethical Hackers," hired by companies to test the integrity of their systems. Others, operate without company permission by bending but not breaking laws and in the process have created some really cool stuff. In this section we profile five white hat hackers and the technologies they have developed.

Stephen Wozniak: "Woz" is famous for being the "other Steve" of Apple. Wozniak, along with current Apple CEO Steve Jobs, co-founded Apple Computer. He has been awarded with the National Medal of Technology as well as honorary doctorates from Kettering University and Nova Southeastern University. Additionally, Woz was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in September 2000.

Woz got his start in hacking making blue boxes, devices that bypass telephone-switching mechanisms to make free long-distance calls. After reading an article about phone phreaking in Esquire, Wozniak called up his buddy Jobs. The pair did research on frequencies, then built and sold blue boxes to their classmates in college. Wozniak even used a blue box to call the Pope while pretending to be Henry Kissinger.

Wozniak dropped out of college and came up with the computer that eventually made him famous. Jobs had the bright idea to sell the computer as a fully assembled PC board. The Steves sold Wozniak's cherished scientific calculator and Jobs' VW van for capital and got to work assembling prototypes in Jobs' garage. Wozniak designed the hardware and most of the software. In the Letters section of, he recalls doing "what Ed Roberts and Bill Gates and Paul Allen did and tons more, with no help." Wozniak and Jobs sold the first 100 of the Apple I to a local dealer for $666.66 each.

Woz no longer works full time for Apple, focusing primarily on philanthropy instead. Most notable is his function as fairy godfather to the Los Gatos, Calif. School District. "Wozniak 'adopted' the Los Gatos School District, providing students and teachers with hands-on teaching and donations of state-of-the-art technology equipment."

Tim Berners-Lee: Berners-Lee is famed as the inventor of the World Wide Web, the system that we use to access sites, documents and files on the Internet. He has received numerous recognitions, most notably the Millennium Technology Prize.

While a student at Oxford University, Berners-Lee was caught hacking access with a friend and subsequently banned from University computers. reports, "Whilst [at Oxford], he built his first computer with a soldering iron, TTL gates, an M6800 processor and an old television." Technological innovation seems to have run in his genes, as Berners-Lee's parents were mathematicians who worked on the Manchester Mark1, one of the earliest electronic computers.

While working with CERN, a European nuclear research organization, Berners-Lee created a hypertext prototype system that helped researchers share and update information easily. He later realized that hypertext could be joined with the Internet. Berners-Lee recounts how he put them together: "I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the TCP and DNS ideas and – ta-da! – the World Wide Web."

Since his creation of the World Wide Web, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium at MIT. The W3C describes itself as "an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff and the public work together to develop Web standards." Berners-Lee's World Wide Web idea, as well as standards from the W3C, is distributed freely with no patent or royalties due.

Linus Torvalds: Torvalds fathered Linux, the very popular Unix-based operating system. He calls himself "an engineer," and has said that his aspirations are simple, "I just want to have fun making the best damn operating system I can."

Torvalds got his start in computers with a Commodore VIC-20, an 8-bit home computer. He then moved on to a Sinclair QL. Wikipedia reports that he modified the Sinclair "extensively, especially its operating system." Specifically, Torvalds hacks included "an assembler and a text editor…as well as a few games."

Torvalds created the Linux kernel in 1991, using the Minix operating system as inspiration. He started with a task switcher in Intel 80386 assembly and a terminal driver. After that, he put out a call for others to contribute code, which they did. Currently, only about 2 percent of the current Linux kernel is written by Torvalds himself. The success of this public invitation to contribute code for Linux is touted as one of the most prominent examples of free/open source software.

Currently, Torvalds serves as the Linux ringleader, coordinating the code that volunteer programmers contribute to the kernel. He has had an asteroid named after him and received honorary doctorates from Stockholm University and University of Helsinki. He was also featured in Time Magazine's "60 Years of Heroes."

Richard Stallman: Stallman's fame derives from the GNU Project, which he founded to develop a free operating system. For this, he's known as the father of free software. His "Serious Bio" asserts, "Non-free software keeps users divided and helpless, forbidden to share it and unable to change it. A free operating system is essential for people to be able to use computers in freedom."

Stallman, who prefers to be called rms, got his start hacking at MIT. He worked as a "staff hacker" on the Emacs project and others. He was a critic of restricted computer access in the lab. When a password system was installed, Stallman broke it down, resetting passwords to null strings, then sent users messages informing them of the removal of the password system.

Stallman's crusade for free software started with a printer. At the MIT lab, he and other hackers were allowed to modify code on printers so that they sent convenient alert messages. However, a new printer came along – one that they were not allowed to modify. It was located away from the lab and the absence of the alerts presented an inconvenience. It was at this point that he was "convinced…of the ethical need to require free software."

With this inspiration, he began work on GNU. Stallman wrote an essay, "The GNU Project," in which he recalls choosing to work on an operating system because it's a foundation, "the crucial software to use a computer." At this time, the GNU/Linux version of the operating system uses the Linux kernel started by Torvalds. GNU is distributed under "copyleft," a method that employs copyright law to allow users to use, modify, copy and distribute the software.

Stallman's life continues to revolve around the promotion of free software. He works against movements like Digital Rights Management (or as he prefers, Digital Restrictions Management) through organizations like Free Software Foundation and League for Programming Freedom. He has received extensive recognition for his work, including awards, fellowships and four honorary doctorates.

Tsutomu Shimomura: Shimomura reached fame in an unfortunate manner: he was hacked by Kevin Mitnick. Following this personal attack, he made it his cause to help the FBI capture him.

Shimomura's work to catch Mitnick is commendable, but he is not without his own dark side. Author Bruce Sterling recalls: "He pulls out this AT&T cellphone, pulls it out of the shrinkwrap, finger-hacks it, and starts monitoring phone calls going up and down Capitol Hill while an FBI agent is standing at his shoulder, listening to him."

Shimomura out-hacked Mitnick to bring him down. Shortly after finding out about the intrusion, he rallied a team and got to work finding Mitnick. Using Mitnick's cell phone, they tracked him near Raleigh-Durham International Airport. The article, "SDSC Computer Experts Help FBI Capture Computer Terrorist" recounts how Shimomura pinpointed Mitnick's location. Armed with a technician from the phone company, Shimomura "used a cellular frequency direction-finding antenna hooked up to a laptop to narrow the search to an apartment complex." Mitnick was arrested shortly thereafter. Following the pursuit, Shimomura wrote a book about the incident with journalist John Markoff, which was later turned into a movie.

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Menukar nada dering iPhone kepada pilihan anda sendiri

Apple memang tegas dalam banyak perkara melibatkan produknya termasuk nada dering (ringtone).Ia menyokong hanya nada dering dalam format tertentu,menyukarkan pengguna untuk menetapkan lagu kegemaran sebagai nada dering telefon mereka.

Namun alternatif untuk hal ini ada dan sebenarnya sudah agak lama berada di,aplikasi dalam talian yang membolehkan anda menukarkan lagu kegemaran sebagai nada dering untuk iPhone dan turut menyokong kegunaan peranti Android juga.

Hanya tiga langkah diperlukan bagi menghasilkan nada dering anda sendiri.Bukan sahaja mudah,malah ia percuma dan tidak menyusahkan anda untuk memuat turun atau memasang perisian terlebih dahulu ke dalam komputer.Anda boleh mlakukannya secara atas talian.

Meskipun bebas,anda cuma dibenarkan menghasilkan nada dering bagi 30 saat.Tetapi jangka masa 30 saat itu juga cukup untuk didengari sebelum anda menjawab panggilan.Bolehlah anda menanyang lagu-lagu terkini sebagai nada dering untuk didengari orang lain.

Langkahnya dimulakan dengan memuat naik lagu kegemaran yang ingin dijadikan nada dering atau masukkan sahaja alamat akan terus menyediakan fragmen lagu untuk anda pilih yang mana sesuai.Tidak semestinya anda memilih di awal atau akhir lagu.Ia boleh jadi di mana-mana fragmen atau bahagian yang anda suka.

Anda juga boleh menyimpan semua nada dering yang dihasilkan di ini.Caranya ialah dengan mendaftar akaun Audiko percuma.Bila-bila masa,anda boleh kembali ke kolaksi nada dering anda,memuat turunnya,atau menetapkan 'bintang' atau rating pada nada dering tersebut.Ia juga boleh dijadikan perkongsian dengan rakan anda yang lain.

Selain menghasilkan nada dering anda sendiri,anda juga berpeluang memuat turun nada dering yang telah dihasilkan pengguna lain sebelum ini.sama ada nada dering, SMS atau suara,semuanya ada.Anda juga boleh membuat pencarian nada dering mengikut kategori atau genre seperti Pop,Rock,Hip-Hop,R&B,Indie,Klasik dan banyak lagi.

Western Digital MyPassport 2TB

Are you despair over the fact that your external drives don't have the necessary storage space for all those high definition movies and photos that you have ? Fret not,for western Digital has just launched its new lineup of next generation 2TB Western Digital MyPassport portable drives,being the first in the industry to offer such an option to its consumers.With the addition of premium finishes,specially-engineered to make the outer shell more resistant to scratches and fingerprints,the new My Passport portable drives also feature ultra-fast USB3.0 connectivity,USB2.0 compatibility,continuos,automatic backup software and password protection with hardware encryption.

Western Digital MyPassport 2TB

Price : RM 699
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Info :

LulzSec Beheaded

Leader of hacking group turns in own members

LulzSec,a hacking group that is an offshoot of Anonymous,has seen several of its top members getting caught from law enforcement agencies in a crackdown that spans a few continents.

Some sources said the crackdown happened mostly due LulzSec's leader,identified as Hector Xavier Monsegur,nicknamed Sabu,an unemployed 28 year old father of two was caught last year.It is said that ever since the FBI made his identity public,he became a cooperating witness.

"They caught him and he was secretly arrested and now worked for the FBI," a source close to Sabu told

As a result of Monsegur's cooperation,the remaining top-ranking members of LulzSec were arrested or hit with additional charges.The five charged in LulzSec conspiracy indictment were identified by sources as Ryan Ackroyd and Jake Davis,both of London;Darren Martyn and Donncha O'Cearrbhail,both of Ireland and Jeremy Hammond of Chicago.

Absinthe 2.0 Jailbreaks 1.2 Million Devices in First Weekend; Poll

Using a headline worthy of Apple’s press room, should the Cupertino giant condone such things, the Chronic Dev Team has confirmed on Twitter that their Absinthe 2.0 tool has been downloaded and used to jailbreak no less than 1,2 million iDevices running the latest iOS.

“Some stats since release of #Absinthe - 211,401 jailbroken iPad3's and 973,086 devices newly jailbroken!”, reads the message (sans other Twitter hashtags and smileys).

The numbers are impressive, to say the least. Analysts can deduct quite a few things from this, such as the popularity of certain solutions that are only available as jailbreak tweaks, or how many people jailbreak to avoid downloading software from Apple’s App Store.

In fact, let’s use the comments section as a poll. How anxious have you been for the arrival of Absinthe 2.0, and what has been your main reason to jailbreak?

10 Tip Jimat Bateri Samsung Galaxy S II

Semakin kerap penggunaan pelbagai aplikasi dan fungsi di peranti anda,semakin banyak bateri yang digunakan.Oleh itu,bagi pengguna Samsung Galaxy S II,pasti tertanya-tanya apa yang boleh dilakukan untuk memanjangkan kuasa bateri anda setiap hari.

Kurangkan kecerahan paparan skrin

Ramai yang tidak sedar walaupun Galaxy S II memiliki Super AMOLED Plus,ironinya ia menyumbang kepada kadar kehabisan kuasa bateri yang lebih cepat.Cuba kurangkan ke tahap yang paling rendah.

Konfigurasi : Settings > Display > Brightness (Bergerak ke bar yang paling rendah di sebelah kiri)

Matikan GPS / Bluetooth

Pengguna biasanya tidak keberatan jika GPS atau Bluetooth dihidupkan sepanjang masa, atau mungkin anda tidak sedar.Untuk lebih efektif,gunakannya apabila diperlukan sahaja.Mematikan GPS dan Bluetooth pada masa tidak diperlukan ini mampu menjimatkan kuasa bateri.

Mengehadkan akses rangkaian

Samsung Galaxy S II berhubung dengan rangkaian Internet secara automatik sama ada melalui Wi-Fi atau 3G secara lalai.Jimatkan kuasa bateri dengan mematikan Wi-Fi apabila ia tidak diperlukan.Selain itu,matikan notifikasi dorongan dan kurangkan kekerapan menyegerakan secara automatik untuk mendapatkan e-mel.

Tutup sepenuhnya aplikasi yang tidak digunakan

Sebagai peranti pelbagai guna yang dilengkapi dengan pemprosesan dwi-teras, Galaxy S II membolehkan anda menjalankan banyak aplikasi pada satu-satu masa.Tetapi,ia juga meningkatkan kuasa pemprosesan CPU.Oleh itu,jika dirasakan tidak mahu gunakan aplikasi itu lagi,tutup secara sepenuhnya.

Gunakan latar belakang skrin ringkas

Bagi langkah penjimatan hayat bateri,latar belakang kosong membantu mengekalkannya dan kaedah yang lebih ekstrem,gunakan kertas dinding gelap.

Lumpuhkan atau kurangkan auto Sync jika boleh

Sambungan data menggunakan banyak bateri.Anda boleh cuba untuk mematikan latar belakang yang dijadualkan auto-sync aplikasi seperti Facebook,Gmail dan Twitter.Jika anda benar-benar perlu untuk menghidupkan ciri auto-sync,cuba untuk kurangkan kekerapannya.

Pengecasan yang betul

Ada teknik tertentu untuk persediaan mengecas Galaxy S II.Jika anda sentiasa menambah bateri supaya sentiasa penuh ia akan mendatangkan mudarat jangka masa panjang.Seperti peranti lain,anda perlu melatih diri untuk mengetahui kapasiti sebenra bateri yang diperlukan.Biarkan ia haus dengan sendirinya pada cas saat akhir untuk mengoptimumkan hayat bateri.

Matikan notifikasi pemberitahuan

Setiap pemberitahuan aplikasi baru Samsung akan dimaklumkan kepada pengguna.Ia kadang kala lebh daripada kegunaan seharian.Oleh itu,anda boleh mematikan notifikasi pemberitahuan aplikasibaru Samsung jika anda benar-benar tidak perlu.

Konfigurasi : Settings > Applications > Samsung Apps > Off

Peka jika isyarat rangkaian lemah

Peranti anda akan menggunakan kuasa bateri yang lebih banyak daripada biasa untuk meningkatkan kekuatan isyarat rangkaian.Oleh itu,sentiasa peka dengan memastikan peranti anda memiliki penerimaan isyarat yang baik.Beralih kepada isyarat 2G jika sambungan isyarat 3G kurang di kawasan anda.

Buang widget yang tidak digunakan

Realitinya,widget yang menjadi simpanan anda antara faktor utama bateri anda cepat habis terutama yang menggunakan sambungan data ataupun yang sync secara automatik mengikut jadual.Oleh itu,anda hanya perlu meluangkan sedikit masa memilih dan menyimpan widget yang tidak menyusahkan.

iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak on Linux

The following tutorial will teach all Linux users how to jailbreak their Apple iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G devices.
As you all know, the Chronic Dev Team finally released today, May 25th, the highly anticipated 2.0 version of Absinthe jailbreak tool for the Linux, Mac OS X and Windows platforms.

With Absinthe 2.0 users will be able to easily untether jailbreak their iPhone, iPod and iPad devices, and today's tutorial I will teach exactly that, step by step, with screenshots.

Supported devices:

· iPhone 3GS;
· iPhone 4;
· iPhone 4S;
· iPod Touch 3G;
· iPod Touch 4G;
· iPad 1;
· iPad 2 Wi-Fi;
· iPad 2 3G;
· iPad 2 2012;
· iPad 3 Wi-Fi
· iPad 3 Wi-Fi + 4G;


· Absinthe 2.0;
· A device from the above list with iOS 5.1.1 firmware.

Step 1 - Download Absinthe 2.0

You can grab a copy of the Absinthe 2.0 jailbreak tool right now from here.

It's a tar.gz archive so just extract it on your downloads folder. Enter the directory and run the x86 or x86_64 (depending on your architecture) executable by double-clicking it.

Step 2 - Connect your iPhone, iPod or iPad device

WARNING: Make sure that your iPhone, iPod or iPad device is supported (see the supported devices list at the end of the article) and it was already updated to iOS 5.1.1 via iTunes!

ATTENTION: ALWAYS make a backup of your device(s) before the jailbreak procedure! Make sure the battery is charged over 50% and that the device is connected to the computer via the USB cable! Not meeting these requirements will result in a failure!

Editor's note: This tutorial is NOT for owners of devices that are blocked in other networks than the one used. You know how you are!

Once connected, Absinthe will immediately detect your device...

Step 3 - Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod or iPad device with Absinthe 2.0

All you have to do now is to click the "Jailbreak" button and wait for the Absinthe tool to do its job. You can also watch the jailbreak progress on your device. DO NOT PUSH ANY BUTTONS! DO NOT REMOVE ANY CABLE!

When the progress bar on the Absinthe tool is complete, and the Absinthe icon appears on your device, launch it to complete the jailbreak process.

When Absinthe finished the jailbreak process, reboot the device and you'll see the Cydia icon on your iDevice's home screen, which means that the jailbreak process is over and you can go connect it to iTunes to restore the backup.

UEFA Euro 2012 DLC for FIFA 12 Gets New Update on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360

Electronic Arts has confirmed that it’s just released a fresh update for the UEFA Euro 2012 downloadable add-on that came out last month for the FIFA 12 soccer simulator, addressing a wide range of issues.

As a break from the FIFA norm, EA launched the UEFA Euro 2012 experience, modeled after the upcoming real-life tournament that’s set in Poland and the Ukraine, as a downloadable add-on, and not as a full-fledged retail game.

While the move wasn’t exactly welcomed by fans, as it came out just for FIFA 12, it still impressed the ones who already had the soccer simulator.

Sadly, it seems that quite a few problems were encountered by players, many of whom are now fixed by a new update that’s just been released on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 platforms.

“A new update for the Euro 2012 expansion pack is currently being rolled out on all platforms! We’d like to thank the FIFA community (and a special thanks to our forum members) for providing continuous feedback.”

Check out the full list of improvements made to the UEFA Euro 2012 DLC below, according to EA.

• We have addressed occasional game freezes encountered in the Team Management screen.
• We have fixed freezes that could sometimes occur at the end of Expedition, Tournament, and Kick Off mode matches.
• Users with Assisted controls will no longer be able to search for Manual games.
• Users will no longer be able to switch to the goalkeeper in Online Tournament mode.

EA also promises that the development team is still studying the feedback provided by fans and would release some more updates for the expansion in the near future.

Until then, FIFA fans can look forward to the release of FIFA 13 in September for a variety of platforms, including the PC, PS3 or Xbox 360.

Firefox 15 Now Has Background Updates

One big piece of the silent updates puzzle has just landed in Firefox 15, background updates. Like the name suggests, this enables Firefox to install updates in the background without disturbing the user. This, along with the other silent updates-related features, should make the entire process a lot more hassle-free and almost invisible to the user.

The goal with background updates is to have newer versions of Firefox downloaded and installed while the browser is running. This way, the next time the user loads Firefox, the updated version is already installed and all that's left to do is some clean up.

In the vast majority of cases, users shouldn't even notice the slight increase in startup time and would have no idea that Firefox was updated.

This is the way Chrome updates work and this is the most efficient since users don't get bothered with it. This ensures that newer versions of Firefox are installed as soon as they arrive, not as soon the user makes time for it.

The downside of this is that users have less control over the update. For most people, this is hardly a bad thing – they don't want to be bothered with updates, they want their browser to work.

With this new feature, more people should be running the latest version of the browser at any given time than ever before, certainly than since the rapid release cycle was implemented.

However, there are users that want to have more control over the update process. Luckily for them, unlike in Chrome, all the automatic update system is optional. While silent automatic updates is the default, users will have options.

The background update feature is now enabled in Firefox 15, but there's no guarantee that it will make it into the stable version a few months from now, when it lands.

Create entertaining animations on iOS

Creating animations on your iPhone is incredibly easy with the right app, and a few of them stand out for the number of features and interesting things you can make.

This week's collection of apps is all about making short animations. The first makes stop-motion animations by taking several photos of a moving object. The second makes short videos into animated GIFs you can add to text messages. The third is Cinemagram, an app that lets you make photo and video hybrids that are simple and fascinating.

GifBoom (Free) lets you create animated GIFs using multiple photos, and it does a pretty good job, but there are better options available. The app offers a social component that lets you share your animated GIFs, see popular posts, make comments, and follow other users. The interface is easy to understand, with buttons across the bottom for viewing a feed of people you follow, checking out the latest and most popular submissions, looking at recent activity, and options for finding friends and tweaking your profile.

To create an animated GIF, simply touch the camera icon in the bottom center of the screen. With the camera open, you have buttons for using your iPhone flash, switching between front- and rear-facing cameras, and a zoom slider. You also have the option here to assemble your animated GIF from images in your iPhone photo library. Touch the camera icon on this screen to start recording. As you record, you'll notice a counter in the lower right-hand corner of the screen that shows how many photos are being snapped. Once it reaches the maximum of 20, the app sends you to a screen where you'll pick the photos for your animation.

Before your GIF animation is posted, you can put the finishing touches on your project in GifBoom's preview screen. You can rotate the orientation, uniformly crop all images, add effects, add a frame, and type words that show up onscreen as part of the animation. Once you're satisfied, you can hit Next, and in the last step, you can add a caption and choose whether you want to additionally share your animation with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, via e-mail, or through iMessage. Even if you choose not to share via those methods, when you touch Publish, your animation will be shared with other GifBoom users.

The process is fairly straightforward in GifBoom and the social components are executed well, but the resulting animations aren't very smooth. In the settings you can set GifBoom to take more photos per second to alleviate some of the stop-motion effect, but you'll never get a smooth animation like you will from the other apps in this collection. It's also important to note that this app seems to be embraced by a young audience (with mostly teenagers posting animations).

GifBoom offers a lot of extras that make the app admirable, but the resulting animations are not on par with other apps in this collection. Still, if you like the idea of creating animated GIFs that have a more stop-motion quality, GifBoom might be a good option.

MyFaceWhen (Free for a limited time) lets you shoot
a short video using a much simpler process and doesn't offer the social connectors of GifBoom, but the resulting animated GIFs are smooth as silk. The idea behind the app is that while texting you might want to attach a video reaction to what your friend just said. In other words, "This is My Face When you said that."

Creating a smooth animated GIF couldn't be easier. You simply touch the center of the screen to start recording and touch it again to stop. From there the app processes your short video and turns it into an animated GIF. The app's GIF editor lets you trim the length of the video and optionally fine-tune the starting and ending points to make the loop a smoother transition. The whole process takes about a minute, making MyFaceWhen ideal for dropping a quick animated GIF into a text message.

MyFaceWhen produces great results, but I do have some complaints. If you want to share your GIF animation beyond iMessage, you're out of luck. The app only offers the option to copy the GIF to your clipboard and doesn't offer any connections to popular social-network services. It's also important to note that the animated GIF will only play in the small preview window of text messages. Touching the animation (as you would do to zoom in on a photo in iMessage) shows you a still image. The developers are careful to point this out in their description of MyFaceWhen. But even without being able to zoom in on animations, having a small animation that plays in the iMessage window is a pretty cool addition to your text messages.

Overall, MyFaceWhen is an incredibly simple app for making animated GIFs you can drop into iMessage. It's not as feature-packed as other apps (and another means of sharing the animations would be first on my wishlist), but it does what it does very well. If you're looking to add something extra to your texting, definitely check out this app.

Cinemagram (Free) lets you create a fascinating
hybrid of photo and video to make cool-looking animations you can share on Cinemagram's social platform and other social-networking services. The app leads you through the process, which requires a little more work than MyFaceWhen, but produces unique-looking animations.

What you can do with the app is create a still photo with only part of it animated, for a really cool-looking effect. The best way to understand Cinemagram is to launch the app and see what other users have made. The app has its own social platform similar to photo-sharing app Instagram, with feeds for popular animations, the latest animations from everyone, or animations from just your friends. There are a lot of talented Cinemagram users out there, so checking out the possibilities is the best way to get acquainted with what the app does.

When you're ready to create your own Cinemagram, touch the Capture button in the bottom center of the screen and then touch the record button. When you're finished recording, you'll move on the next step, which is to draw a mask. The mask is the area of the Cinemagram that will be animated. When you're finished drawing the mask with your finger, hit Next to "Colorize" (the app's name for image filters) your Cinemagram. The app offers 10 different filters to choose from, with options like redscale and sepia.

When you're finished you can preview your Cinemagram before posting it to the feed. You also have the option to go back and change your mask or Colorize selection if you want to make tweaks before posting.
In addition to sharing on the Cinemagram platform (complete with Likes, comments, and comment replies), you can also share your project on Facebook or Twitter, or via e-mail.

Cinemagram is a fun and unique app for creating photo and video hybrids and I've been amazed by some of the stuff people have made using the app. If you want to try an interesting app for creating animations, Cinemagram is an excellent choice.

KickAssTorrents to Be Blocked in Italy

The Pirate Bay may be getting some support from ISPs in some places, but other BitTorrent sites are not so lucky. With The Pirate Bay already blocked in the country, Italy has now turned its eye on a popular alternative, KickAssTorrents.

Unlike in some places, say the UK or the Netherlands, but very much like in other places, copyright lobbying groups have gotten the country's authorities to play copyright cops and spend the public's money defending US companies.

Authorities in the country are boasting that they've managed to force ISPs to block the site, which they claim is generating millions of dollars in revenue per year, exploiting hard working artists. Only the old domain name is mentioned, so the new one,, may not be targeted.

Italian BitTorrent users are very familiar with ways of getting around this type of blocks and their skills will only get better as authorities continue to hunt down sites. Those skills may come in handy if and when Italy decides to block YouTube or other video sites.

Google Still the Biggest Site in the US, Far Ahead of Facebook

Facebook is growing stronger and stronger and getting a lot of people to spend a lot of time on the site, but it's still not the biggest website, at least not in the US.

Google still holds the title, unsurprisingly, though Facebook is coming up the ranks. It's only in fourth place though, well behind even Yahoo, in terms of unique visitors.

In April, Google was the most visited website, well websites as comScore counts several Google properties in its report, with 189 million people coming through its doorstep.

Microsoft, which was the second most visited site didn't even come close and is in fact almost tied to Yahoo. Microsoft had some 171.168 million visitors, but Yahoo sites had 170.890 million, a very close call.

Facebook only had some 159 million visitors, but was still far ahead of AOL, which followed with 111 million. You can check out comScore's full report here (PDF)