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Rahsia tarikh lahir (Dr. Fadilah Kamsah)


Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius
Suka melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik
Peka dengan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan
Suka smart, kemas dan teratur
Sensitif, berfikiran mendalam
Pandai mengambil hati orang lain
Pendiam kecuali setelah dirangsang
Agak pemalu, daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi
Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri
Badan sehat tetapi mudah diserang selesema
Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai mempamerkanya
Cukup sayang kepada kanak-kanak
Suka duduk di rumah
Setia pada segalanya
Rajin belajar dan kemahiran sosial
Sikap cemburu yang sangat tinggi


Berfikiran abstrak
Sukakan benda yang realiti dan abstrak
Inteligent, bijak dan genius
Berpersonaliti yang mudah berubah
Mudah menawan orang lain
Agak pendiam, pemalu dan rendah diri
Jujur dan setia pada segalanya
Keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat
Tidak suka dikongkong
Mudah memberontak jika dikongkong
Suka kegiatan lasak
Emosinya mudah terluka dan sangat sensitif
Mudah mempamerkan marahnya
Tidak suka kepada benda remeh temeh
Suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkanya
Sangat berani dan suka memberontak
Bercita-cita tinggi, suka berangan-angan dan ada harapan untuk merealisasikanya
Pemerhatian yang tajam
Suka hiburan dan sukan
Suka benda yang bersifat seni
Sangat romantik pada dalaman tapi tidak pada luaran
Berkecenderungan kepada benda yang tahyul
Amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros
Belajar untuk mempamirkan emosi


Berpersonaliti menarik dan menawan
Mudah didampingi
Sangat pemalu dan pemendam rasa
Sangat baik secara semula jadi, jujur, pemurah dan mudah simpati
Sangat sensitif pada perkataan yang dituturkan dan alam persekitaran
Suka pada kedamaian
Sangat peka kepada orang lain
Sesuai dengan kerjaya yang memberi khidmat kepada orang lain
Tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah
Tahu balas budi dan kenang budi
Pemerhatian dan penilaian yang sangat tajam
Kecenderungan untuk berdendam jika tidak dikawal
Suka berangan-angan
Suka melancong
Sangat manja dan suka diberi perhatian yang sangat tinggi
Kelam kabut dalam memilih pasangan
Suka dengan hiasan rumahtangga
Punya bakat seni dalam bidang muzik
Kecenderungan kepada benda yang istimewa dan baik jangan terlalu moody


Sangat aktif dan dinamik
Cepat bertindak buat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal
Sangat menarik dan pandai manjakan diri
Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat
Suka dapat perhatian
Sangat diplomatik, pandai memujuk, berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah
Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut
Suka adventure, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah
Emosi cepat terusik jika tidak terkawal
Berkecenderungan bersifat dendam
Agresif, kelam kabut untuk membuat keputusan
Kuat daya ingatan
Gerak hati yang sangat kuat
Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain
Berpenyakit di sekitar kepala dan dada
Sangat cemburu dan terlalu cemburu


Keras hati dan degil
Kuat semangat dan bermotivasi tinggi
Pemikiran tajam
Mudah marah jika tidak dikawal
Pandai menarik hati orang lain dan menarik perhatian
Perasaan yang sangat mendalam
Cantik dari segi mental dan fizikal
Tidak perlu dimotivasikan
Tetap pendirian tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain
Mudah dipujuk
Bersikap sistematik ( otak kiri )
Suka berangan
Kuat daya firasat, memahami apa yang terlintas dihati orang lain
Mudah diserang penyakit di bahagian telinga dan leher dan lemah sistem pernafasan
Daya khayalannya tinggi
Pemikiran yang tajam
Pandai berdebat
Fizikal yang baik
Suka sastera, seni, muzik dan melancong
Tidak berapa suka duduk dirumah
Tidak boleh duduk diam
Tidak punya ramai anak
Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi
Agak boros


Berfikiran jauh dan berwawasan
Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik
Perangai lemah lembut
Mudah berubah sikap, sangat banyak idea
Bersikap sensitif
Otak sentiasa aktif berfikir
Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera, suka menanguh-nangguh
Sikap pemilih kerana selalu inginkan yang terbaik dan cerewet
Cepat marah dan cepat sejuk
Suka bercakap dan berdebat
Suka buat lawak dan bergurau
Otak cerdas dan berangan-rangan
Mudah dan pandai berkawan
Orangnya sangat tertib
Pandai mempamerkan sikap
Mudah kecil hati
Mudah terkena selesema
Suka berkemas
Cepat rasa bosan
Kurang pamerkan perasaan
Lambat sembuh bila terluka hati
Suka barangan berjenama
Mudah jadi eksekutif
Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal
Siapa yang memuji saya adalah musuh saya, siapa yang menegur saya adalah kawan saya


Seronok didampingi
Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti ( terutama lelaki )
Agak pendiam kecuali diransang
Ada harga dan maruah diri
Tidak suka menyusahkan orang lain tetapi tidak marah jika disusahkan
Mudah dipujuk dan bersikap lurus
Sangat menjaga hati orang lain
Sangat peramah
Emosi sangat mendalam tetapi mudah terluka hati dan lambat pulih
Berjiwa sentimental
Kurang berdendam
Mudah memaafkan tetapi sukar melupakan
Tidak suka benda remeh temeh
Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental
Sangat peka, caring dan mengasihi serta penyayang
Layanan serupa kepada semua orang
Tinggi daya simpati
Pemerhatian yang tajam
Suka manilai orang lain dengan pemerhatian
Mudah dan rajin belajar
Suka muhasabah diri
Suka mengenang peristiwa atau kawan lama
Suka mendiamkan diri dan duduk di rumah
Suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan
Tak agresif kecuali terpaksa
Lemah dari kesihata bahagian perut
Mudah menjadi gemuk jika tak dikawal
Minta disayangi
Terlalu mengambil berat
Rajin dalam membuat kerja


Suka berlawak
Mudah tertawan kepadanya
Sopan santun, caring terhadap orang lain
Berani dan tidak tahu takut
Agak tegas dan bersifat berkepimpinan
Pandai memujuk
Terlalu pemurah dan bersikap ego
Nilai harga diri sangat tinggi
Dahagakan pujian
Semangat juang yang luar biasa
Cepat marah dan mudah mengamuk teruma cakapnya dilawan
Sangat cemburu
Daya permehatian tajam dan teliti
Cepat berfikir dan berdikari
Suka memimpin juga dipimpin
Suka barangan-angan
Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan, dan silat
Sangat sensitif tetapi tak mudah merajuk
Mudah mendapat penyakit
Sentiasa belajar untuk relax
Kelam kabut
Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang
Suka mencari kawan


Sangat besopan santun dan betolak ansur
Sangat cermat, teliti, dan teratur
Suka menegur kesilapan orang lain dan mengkritik
Pendiam tetapi pandai bercakap
Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik, dan mudah simpati
Sangat prihatin, terperinci, amanah, setia dan jujur
Sensitif kepada sesuatu yang tidak diketahui
Banyak berfikir
Daya penakakulan yang baik
Otak bijak dan mudah belajar
Suka mencari maklumat
Mengawal diri dari selalu mengkritik
Pandai mendorong diri sendiri
Mudah memahami orang lain ( daya firasat tinggi ) dan banyak simpan rahsia
Sukakan sukan, hiburan, dan melancong
Kurang menunjukkan perasaan
Lama menyimpan jika terluka hati
Terlalu memilih pasangan
Sukakan benda yang luas


Suka sembang
Suka orang sayang padanya
Suka ambil jalan tengah
Sangat menawan dan sopan santun
Kecantikan luar dan dalam
Tidak pandai berbohong dan berpura-pura
Mudah rasa simpati, baik, dan pentingkan kawan
Sentiasa berkawan
Hati mudah terusik, tetapi meraju tak lama
Cepat marah
Macam pentingkan diri sendiri
Tidak menolong orang jika tidak diminta
Suka melihat dari perspektif sendiri
Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain
Emosi mudah terusik
Suka berangan-angan dan pandai bercakap
Emosi yang kelam kabut
Daya firasat yang sangat kuat ( terutama perempuan )
Suka melancong, bidang sastera, dan seni
Pengasih, penyayang, dan lemah lembut
Romantik dalam percintaan
Mudah terusik hati dan cemburu
Ambil berat tentang orang lain
Suka kegiatan luar
Orang yang adil
Boros dan mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran
Mudah patah semangat


Banyak idea dalam sesuatu perkara
Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-rubah
Otak dan pemikiran yang sangat tajam
Cara berfikir lain dari orang lain
Berfikiran kehadapan, unik, dan bijak
Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra
Penuh dengan idea-idea baru yang luar biasa
Sukar untuk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya
Sifat yang berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia
Amanah, jujur, setia, dan pandai berahsia
Daya firasat sangat halus dan tinggi
Bagus sebagai doktor
Cermat dan teliti
Personaliti dinamik
Tidak hargai pujian
Bercita-cita tinggi
Terlalu degil dan keras hati
Apabila hendak akan diusahakan sehingga berjaya
Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi
Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yang tinggi kepada sesuatu kehendak
Pandai mendorong diri sendiri
Berani, pemurah, setia, dan banyak kesabaran
Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain
Tak suka marah kecuali tergugat
Pandai muhasabah diri
Tidak pasti dengan imbangan kasih sayang
Suka duduk di rumah
Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi


Sangat setia dan pemurah
Bersifat patriotik
Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan
Bercita-cita tinggi
Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi
Seronok didampingi
Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran dengan lojik
Suka bercampur dengan orang
Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian, dan dibelai
Sangat jujur, amanah, dan bertolak ansur
Tidak pandai berpura-pura
Cepat marah
Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa
Perangai yang berubah-ubah
Tidak ego walaupun harga diri yang sangat tinggi
Benci pada kongkongan

Credit to : mY liFe As St0rY

Poor security exposes voice mail to hacking,study says

BERLIN — It may be tempting to view the illegal interception of telephone voice mails, a practice that has roiled Britain and the News Corp. media empire of Rupert Murdoch, as an arcane tool employed by scofflaw journalists with friends in Scotland Yard.

But according to a study to be presented Tuesday, cellphone users in Europe and the rest of the world may be just as vulnerable as the actor Hugh Grant and other celebrities to having their personal voice mail hacked — or worse — because of outdated mobile network security.

In a study of 31 mobile operators in Europe, Morocco and Thailand, Karsten Nohl, a Berlin hacker and mobile security expert, found that many operators provided poor or weak defenses to protect consumers from illicit surveillance and identity theft.

Mr. Nohl said he was able to hack into mobile conversations and text messages and could impersonate the account identities of cellphone users in 11 countries using an inexpensive, 7-year-old Motorola cellphone and free decryption software available on the Internet. He has tested each mobile operator more than 100 times, he said, and has ranked the quality of their defenses.

He plans to present his results at a convention of the Chaos Computer Club, a hackers’ group, in Berlin, where he will open the project to researchers in other countries.

In 2009 Mr. Nohl, who runs a Berlin consulting company, Security Research Labs, published the algorithms used to encrypt voice and data conversations on GSM digital networks, which are used in Europe and elsewhere.

In an interview, Mr. Nohl said he had made sure to conduct his latest research to avoid the illegal theft of data and communications by intercepting the phone transmissions of a colleague during field tests. In random tests, he said, he ended interceptions just one or two seconds after they began.

The technique he uses focuses on deciphering the predictable, standard electronic “conversations” that take place between a cellphone and a mobile network at the beginning of each call. Typically, Mr. Nohl said, as many as 40 packets of coded information are sent back and forth, many just simple commands like, “I have a call for you,” or “Wait.”

Most operators vary little from this set-up procedure, which Mr. Nohl said allowed him to use hacking software to make high-speed, educated guesses to decipher the complex algorithmic keys networks use to encrypt transmissions. Once he derived this key, Mr. Nohl said, he was able to intercept voice and data conversations by impersonating another user to listen to their voice mails or make calls or send text messages on their mobile accounts.

Mr. Nohl said operators could easily fix this vulnerability in the GSM system, which is found in older 2G networks used by almost every cellphone, including smartphones, with a simple software patch. His research found that only two operators, T-Mobile in Germany and Swisscom in Switzerland, were already using this enhanced security measure, which involves adding a random digit to the end of each set-up command to thwart decoding. (For example, “I have a call for you 4.”)

“This is a major vulnerability in most networks we tested, and the irony is that it costs very little, if nothing, to repair,” Mr. Nohl said. “Often it is just a question of inertia on the part of operators, or they have other priorities, such as building their networks.”

Philip Lieberman, the chief executive and president of Lieberman Software, a company in Los Angeles that sells identity management software to large businesses and the U.S. government, said much of the digital technology that protects the privacy of cellphone calls had been developed in the 1980s and 1990s and is now ripe for attack.

That said, Mr. Lieberman added that the kind of interception being done by researchers like Mr. Nohl demands a level of skill and sophistication that is beyond the abilities of most individuals.

Hackers (Anonymous) Breach the Web Site of Stratfor Global Intelligence

Anonymous is claiming to have stolen 200GB worth of data, including e-mails and clients' credit card information, from a U.S.-based security think tank, the Associated Press reported today.

The hacking group also used Twitter to post a link to a list of clients apparently belonging to think tank Stratfor Global Intelligence.

"Not so private and secret anymore?" read one of numerous tweets from AnonymousIRC, a Twitter account linked to Anonymous.

This morning Stratfor's site was down. A notice reads: "Site is currently undergoing maintenance."

Anonymous also tweeted that it has "enough targets lined up to extend the fun fun fun of LulzXmas throught the entire next week." Lulz is a reference to a related hacking group known as Lulz Security.

Stratfor apparently said in an e-mail to members that it had suspended its servers and e-mail following a hack.

"We have reason to believe that the names of our corporate subscribers have been posted on other web sites," said the e-mail, which was obtained by the Associated Press via subscribers. "We are diligently investigating the extent to which subscriber information may have been obtained."

Anonymous claims it was able to steal the credit card data because it was unencrypted.
"If Stratfor would give a s--- about their subscriber info they wouldn't store CC/CCV numbers in cleartext, with corresponding addresses," according to one tweet.

Stratfor's long list of clients includes the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and Miami Police Department, the AP reported.


LONDON (AP) — The loose-knit hacking movement "Anonymous" claimed Sunday to have stolen thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to clients of U.S.-based security think tank Stratfor. One hacker said the goal was to pilfer funds from individuals' accounts to give away as Christmas donations, and some victims confirmed unauthorized transactions linked to their credit cards.

Anonymous boasted of stealing Stratfor's confidential client list, which includes entities ranging from Apple Inc. to the U.S. Air Force to the Miami Police Department, and mining it for more than 4,000 credit card numbers, passwords and home addresses.

Austin, Texas-based Stratfor provides political, economic and military analysis to help clients reduce risk, according to a description on its YouTube page. It charges subscribers for its reports and analysis, delivered through the web, emails and videos. The company's main website was down, with a banner saying the "site is currently undergoing maintenance."

Proprietary information about the companies and government agencies that subscribe to Stratfor's newsletters did not appear to be at any significant risk, however, with the main threat posed to individual employees who had subscribed.

"Not so private and secret anymore?" Anonymous taunted in a message on Twitter, promising that the attack on Stratfor was just the beginning of a Christmas-inspired assault on a long list of targets.

Anonymous said the client list it had already posted was a small slice of the 200 gigabytes worth of plunder it stole from Stratfor and promised more leaks. It said it was able to get the credit card details in part because Stratfor didn't bother encrypting them — an easy-to-avoid blunder which, if true, would be a major embarrassment for any security-related company.
Fred Burton, Stratfor's vice president of intelligence, said the company had reported the intrusion to law enforcement and was working with them on the investigation.

Stratfor has protections in place meant to prevent such attacks, he said.
"But I think the hackers live in this kind of world where once they fixate on you or try to attack you it's extraordinarily difficult to defend against," Burton said.

Hours after publishing what it claimed was Stratfor's client list, Anonymous tweeted a link to encrypted files online with names, phone numbers, emails, addresses and credit card account details.

"Not as many as you expected? Worry not, fellow pirates and robin hoods. These are just the 'A's," read a message posted online that encouraged readers to download a file of the hacked information.

The attack is "just another in a massive string of breaches we've seen this year and in years past," said Josh Shaul, chief technology officer of Application Security Inc., a New York-based provider of database security software.

Still, companies that shared secret information with Stratfor in order to obtain threat assessments might worry that the information is among the 200 gigabytes of data that Anonymous claims to have stolen, he said.

"If an attacker is walking away with that much email, there might be some very juicy bits of information that they have," Shaul said.

Lt. Col. John Dorrian, public affairs officer for the Air Force, said that "for obvious reasons" the Air Force doesn't discuss specific vulnerabilities, threats or responses to them.

"The Air Force will continue to monitor the situation and, as always, take appropriate action as necessary to protect Air Force networks and information," he said in an email.

Miami Police Department spokesman Sgt. Freddie Cruz Jr. said that he could not confirm that the agency was a client of Stratfor, and he said he had not received any information about a security breach involving the police department.

Anonymous also linked to images online that it suggested were receipts for charitable donations made by the group manipulating the credit card data it stole.

"Thank you! Defense Intelligence Agency," read the text above one image that appeared to show a transaction summary indicating that an agency employee's information was used to donate $250 to a non-profit.

One receipt — to the American Red Cross — had Allen Barr's name on it.
Barr, of Austin, Texas, recently retired from the Texas Department of Banking and said he discovered last Friday that a total of $700 had been spent from his account. Barr, who has spent more than a decade dealing with cybercrime at banks, said five transactions were made in total.

"It was all charities, the Red Cross, CARE, Save the Children. So when the credit card company called my wife she wasn't sure whether I was just donating," said Barr, who wasn't aware until a reporter with the AP called that his information had been compromised when Stratfor's computers were hacked.

"It made me feel terrible. It made my wife feel terrible. We had to close the account."
Wishing everyone a "Merry LulzXMas" — a nod to its spinoff hacking group Lulz Security — Anonymous also posted a link on Twitter to a site containing the email, phone number and credit number of a U.S. Homeland Security employee.

The employee, Cody Sultenfuss, said he had no warning before his details were posted.
"They took money I did not have," he told The Associated Press in a series of emails, which did not specify the amount taken. "I think 'Why me?' I am not rich."

But the breach doesn't necessarily pose a risk to owners of the credit cards. A card user who suspects fraudulent activity on his or her card can contact the credit card company to dispute the charge.

Stratfor said in an email to members, signed by Stratfor Chief Executive George Friedman and passed on to AP by subscribers, that it had hired a "leading identity theft protection and monitoring service" on behalf of the Stratfor members affected by the attack. The company said it will send another email on services for affected members by Wednesday.

Stratfor acknowledged that an "unauthorized party" had revealed personal information and credit card data of some of its members.

The company had sent another email to subscribers earlier in the day saying it had suspended its servers and email after learning that its website had been hacked.

One member of the hacking group, who uses the handle AnonymousAbu on Twitter, claimed that more than 90,000 credit cards from law enforcement, the intelligence community and journalists — "corporate/exec accounts of people like Fox" News — had been hacked and used to "steal a million dollars" and make donations.

It was impossible to verify where credit card details were used. Fox News was not on the excerpted list of Stratfor members posted online, but other media organizations including MSNBC and Al-Jazeera English appeared in the file.

Anonymous warned it has "enough targets lined up to extend the fun fun fun of LulzXmas through the entire next week."

The group has previously claimed responsibility for attacks on credit card companies Visa Inc. and MasterCard Inc., eBay Inc.'s PayPal, as well as other groups in the music industry and the Church of Scientology.


While the rest of the world engaged in merriment and good cheer, hackers used the holidays to attack a United States research group that puts out a daily newsletter on security issues.

On Saturday, hackers who say they are members of the collective known as Anonymous claimed responsibility for crashing the Web site of the group, Stratfor Global Intelligence Service, and pilfering its client list, e-mails and credit card information in an operation they say is intended to steal $1 million for donations to charity. The hackers posted a list online that they say contains Stratfor’s confidential client list as well as credit card details, passwords and home addresses for some 4,000 Stratfor clients. The hackers also said they had details for more than 90,000 credit card accounts. Among the organizations listed as Stratfor clients: Bank of America, the Defense Department, Doctors Without Borders, Lockheed Martin, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the United Nations.

Pfc. Bradley Manning, a suspect
in information leaks.

The group also posted five receipts online that it said were of donations made with pilfered credit card details. One receipt showed a $180 donation from a United States Homeland Security employee, Edmund H. Tupay, to the American Red Cross. Another showed a $200 donation to the Red Cross from Allen Barr, a recently retired employee from the Texas Department of Banking. Neither responded to requests for comment.

Mr. Barr told The Associated Press that on Friday he discovered that $700 had been transferred from his account to charities including the Red Cross, Save the Children and CARE, but that he had not been aware that the transfer was tied to a breach of Stratfor’s site.

Stratfor executives did not return calls for comment on Sunday. In an e-mail to subscribers Sunday morning, Stratfor’s chief executive, George Friedman, confirmed that the company’s site had been hacked and said his company was working with law enforcement to track down the parties responsible.

“We have reason to believe that the names of our corporate subscribers have been posted on other Web sites,” Mr. Friedman wrote in the e-mail. “We are diligently investigating the extent to which subscriber information may have been obtained.”

The hackers took responsibility for the Stratfor attack on Twitter and said the attack would be the beginning of a weeklong holiday hacking spree. The breach was the latest in the online group’s ongoing campaign of computer attacks which, to date, has been aimed at MasterCard, Visa and PayPal as well as groups as diverse as the Church of Scientology, the Motion Picture Association of America and the Zetas, a Mexican crime syndicate.

The breach first surfaced on Saturday when hackers defaced Stratfor’s Web site with their own message. “Merry Lulzxmas!” the group wrote in a reference to Lulz Security, a hacking group loosely affiliated with Anonymous. “Are you ready for a week of mayhem?” By Sunday afternoon, the message had been replaced with a banner message that said: “Site is currently undergoing maintenance. Please check back soon.”

According to the hackers’ online postings, the group voted on what charities to contribute to. Among their choices were cancer and AIDS research, the American Red Cross, WikiLeaks and the Tor Project, a software that enables online anonymity.

Also according to their postings, the breach appears to have been conducted in retaliation for the arrest and imprisonment of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the Army intelligence analyst on trial on charges of leaking classified intelligence information and more than 250,000 diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks last year.

The attack was also likely intended to embarrass Stratfor, which specializes in intelligence and security. The hackers said they were able to obtain the credit card details because, they said, Stratfor had failed to encrypt them.

“The scary thing is that no matter what you do, every system has some level of vulnerability,” says Jerry Irvine, a member of the National Cyber Security Task Force. “The more you do from an advanced technical standpoint, the more common things go unnoticed. Getting into a system is really not that difficult.”


While the rest of the world engaged in merriment and good cheer, hackers used the holidays to attack a United States research group that puts out a daily newsletter on security issues.

On Saturday, hackers who say they are members of the collective known as Anonymous claimed responsibility for crashing the Web site of the group, Stratfor Global Intelligence Service, and pilfering its client list, e-mails and credit card information in an operation they say is intended to steal $1 million for donations to charity. The hackers posted a list online that they say contains Stratfor’s confidential client list as well as credit card details, passwords and home addresses for some 4,000 Stratfor clients. The hackers also said they had details for more than 90,000 credit card accounts. Among the organizations listed as Stratfor clients: Bank of America, the Defense Department, Doctors Without Borders, Lockheed Martin, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the United Nations.

The group also posted five receipts online that it said were of donations made with pilfered credit card details. One receipt showed a $180 donation from a United States Homeland Security employee, Edmund H. Tupay, to the American Red Cross. Another showed a $200 donation to the Red Cross from Allen Barr, a recently retired employee from the Texas Department of Banking. Neither responded to requests for comment.

Mr. Barr told The Associated Press that on Friday he discovered that $700 had been transferred from his account to charities including the Red Cross, Save the Children and CARE, but that he had not been aware that the transfer was tied to a breach of Stratfor’s site.

Stratfor executives did not return calls for comment on Sunday. In an e-mail to subscribers Sunday morning, Stratfor’s chief executive, George Friedman, confirmed that the company’s site had been hacked and said his company was working with law enforcement to track down the parties responsible.

“We have reason to believe that the names of our corporate subscribers have been posted on other Web sites,” Mr. Friedman wrote in the e-mail. “We are diligently investigating the extent to which subscriber information may have been obtained.”

The hackers took responsibility for the Stratfor attack on Twitter and said the attack would be the beginning of a weeklong holiday hacking spree. The breach was the latest in the online group’s ongoing campaign of computer attacks which, to date, has been aimed at MasterCard, Visa and PayPal as well as groups as diverse as the Church of Scientology, the Motion Picture Association of America and the Zetas, a Mexican crime syndicate.

The breach first surfaced on Saturday when hackers defaced Stratfor’s Web site with their own message. “Merry Lulzxmas!” the group wrote in a reference to Lulz Security, a hacking group loosely affiliated with Anonymous. “Are you ready for a week of mayhem?” By Sunday afternoon, the message had been replaced with a banner message that said: “Site is currently undergoing maintenance. Please check back soon.”

According to the hackers’ online postings, the group voted on what charities to contribute to. Among their choices were cancer and AIDS research, the American Red Cross, WikiLeaks and the Tor Project, a software that enables online anonymity.

Also according to their postings, the breach appears to have been conducted in retaliation for the arrest and imprisonment of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the Army intelligence analyst on trial on charges of leaking classified intelligence information and more than 250,000 diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks last year.

The attack was also likely intended to embarrass Stratfor, which specializes in intelligence and security. The hackers said they were able to obtain the credit card details because, they said, Stratfor had failed to encrypt them.

“The scary thing is that no matter what you do, every system has some level of vulnerability,” says Jerry Irvine, a member of the National Cyber Security Task Force. “The more you do from an advanced technical standpoint, the more common things go unnoticed. Getting into a system is really not that difficult.”

Credit to : Cnet,Yahoo,Google and NYTimes

Sembunyikan folder di Windows XP [Versi Bahasa Melayu]

Di dalam tutorial kali ini,saya akan kongsi sebuah trick yang mungkin anda telah ketahui.Tetapi saya akan tetap berkongsi untuk kebaikan orang lain.

Antara tutorial yang dicari di Google ialah "Cara-cara untuk menyembunyikan folder","Cara-cara-untuk membuat sebuah folder persendirian","Cara-cara untuk mengunci folder".Para pencari tutorial sebegini sanggup untuk memuat turun fail ".exe" bagi membuat sebuah folder yang disembunyikan.Hakikatnya,mereka sendiri tidak tahu apa yang fail ".exe" tersebut boleh lakukan terhadap komputer mereka.

Jadi,pada hari ini,saya akan mengajar anda tutorial/cara-cara untuk membuat sebuah folder tersembunyi (hanya jika anda menggunakan Windows XP).
Teknik mungkin tidak akan berkesan jika anda menggunakan Sistem Operasi selain daripada Windows XP.

  1. Bina sebuah folder di dalam C:\ anda (saya akan menamakan folder tersebut sebagai "irsyad")
  2. Buka Command Prompt anda dan masukkan arahan berikut
  3. attrib +s +h C:\irsyad
  4. Jika anda memeriksa folder C:\ anda,anda akan dapati bahawa folder irsyad hilang(Sebenarnya,ia ada masih ada di sana tetapi tersembunyi).
  5. Untuk tidak menghilangkan folder tersebut semula,anda perlu memasukkan arahan ini di Command Prompt anda.
  6. attrib -s -h C:\irsyad
  7. Folder tersebut akan jadi seperti biasa.
  8. Anda juga bole menukarkan C:\irsyad kepada mana-mana folder lain asalkan direktorinya betul dan folder tersebut wujud.
  9. Tutorial bertujuan untuk pembelajaran sahaja.Saya harap,anda tidak akan menggunakannya untuk kebaikan anda sendiri(menyimpan gambar lucah,video lucah dan banyak lagi).Sebaliknya,gunakanlah ia untuk menyimpan data-data penting seperti database,dokumen,kertas kerja dan lain-lain.
Read here for English version for this tutorial : Hide folder in Windows XP [English Version]

Hide folder in Windows XP [English Version]

In this tutorial,I would like to share a tricks that maybe you've knew it already.But,nevermind.I'll just share it for others benefit.

"How to lock folder","How to hide folder" and "How to make private folder" is one of the common things searched over Google.There are some of people,willing to download an ".exe" file just to hide their folder from being opened by another person.
They don't know what will the ".exe" file does.

Today I will teach you on how to hide your folder only if you're using Windows XP.
This technique may not useable if you used another Operating System.

  1. Create a folder in your C:\ (I would name my new folder as "winxptricks" without the quotes)
  2. Open up your Command Prompt,and enter this command
  3. attrib +s +h C:\winxptricks
  4. If you check your C:\,the folder named winxptricks will be missing.(Actually it was there somewhere hidden)
  5. To unhide the folder,you have to enter this in command prompt
  6. attrib -s -h C:\winxptricks
  7. The folder will now be unhided.
  8. You can also change C:\winxptricks to another folder location.
  9. This tutorial is for educational purpose only.I hope you would not use this knowledge for your own benefits (saving porn pics,videos,etc).Please use it to save an important data such as database,documents,workpaper, etc.
Baca di sini untuk Versi Bahasa Melayu untuk tutorial ini : Sembunyikan folder di Windows XP [Versi Bahasa Melayu]

Most-anticipated tech products of 2012

1.Nintendo Wii U

Once again Nintendo is trying to revolutionize the gaming industry with a system that has a new controller with an embedded touch screen that allows you to continue a gaming session on the portable controller even when your TV is off.

On a more mundane level, this Wii supports 1080p visuals and is backward-compatible with all Wii gaming accessories and games. That latter trait may be its biggest selling point.

No word on pricing or exactly when the Wii U will hit the market, but Nintendo says it will be in stores in 2012.

2.Google Ice Cream Sandwich products

The first Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) smartphones have just started trickling out onto the market. Loads more are coming in 2012.

3.iPad Mini

Will Apple do a 7-inch iPad? Some say no, some say yes, particularly with the success of Amazon's Kindle Fire.

4.Better, more-affordable ultrabooks

Forget those underpowered Netbooks. The ultrabook is the new Netbook. We already saw the price for these lightweight machines head into reasonable territory in 2011. Now we look forward to the next batch offering similar performance for even less money.

5.Next-gen MacBook Air

Rumor has it that the next generation of MacBook Pros and Airs will get new designs, and we may very well see a 15-inch Air.

Will the Air get even slimmer? Why not?

6.More-affordable Apple AirPlay products

In case you don't know what it is, Apple's AirPlay is a wireless streaming feature available on Apple mobile devices that allows you to stream audio and video over Wi-Fi. However, except for Apple TV and AirPort Express, AirPlay-compatible products tend to be pricey (most are speakers).

They could all stand to shave $100 off their list prices (and more in some cases). Hopefully that will happen in 2012.

7.Kindle Fire 2 (and Amazon's 10-inch tablet)

The Kindle Fire's been a big hit and it isn't even that great. Just imagine what the Kindle Fire 2 will be like. And oh, Amazon may well release a 10-inch tablet that undercuts the iPad's price significantly. Can't wait for that to happen.

8.iPhone 5
For those of you who waited all 2011 for an iPhone 5, we've got news: you get to do some more waiting in 2012.

When we'll see the iPhone 5 launch is anybody's guess, but whether it's released in June or November, it seems like a safe bet that it will have a new design and most likely support for 4G networks.

9.Apple iTV

Rumor has it that Apple will enter the TV market in 2012 with a set that will be a game-changer and once again turn another market on its head. We'll believe it when we see it.

10.iPad 3
Everybody's waiting--and expecting--an iPad 3 with a higher-resolution display. If the past is any indication, hear all about it in February or March, with a release soon after.

11.PlayStation Vita

Sony's next-generation handheld gaming device is slated to arrive in the U.S. on February 22, with dual analog sticks, a touch screen, and graphics that rival the PS3's. The Wi-Fi version is priced at $249 and the Wi-Fi/3G version will cost $299.99 (3G service plan extra).

While many think the Vita has an uphill road, it also has the potential to be a much-needed hit for Sony, which has lost a lot of luster in recent years.

12.Wider LTE (4G) rollout

We'll see lots more 4G phones in 2012--and hopefully lots more 4G service coverage with true broadband speeds.

13.Nook Tablet 2

Barnes & Noble continues to do a lot of things right with its color Nook products. One request for the next model, most likely due to arrive in November: a little Bluetooth, please.

14.Nikon D800

The much-anticipated successor to the full-frame Nikon D700 was supposed to arrive in 2011. Alas, it didn't. Word is this rumored 36-megapixel prosumer camera will finally launch in early 2012.

15.Canon 5D Mark III

Like the Nikon D800, Canon's full-frame follow-up to the EOS 5D Mark II was widely expected to arrive 2011. It failed to arrive, and was most likely delayed by the combination of the Japanese earthquake/tsunami and Thailand flood tragedies.

The current 5D Mark II costs around $2,000. This one will start out higher, most likely in the $2,500 range.

16.Windows 8

Unity is the theme with Windows 8, as Microsoft is bringing the Metro UI found on smartphones and Xbox 360 to the PC and tablets. Word is a beta may be out as soon as February with the final product ready to ship on PCs in late fall.

Credit to : CNet and Google Images



Android adalah sistem operasi untuk peranti bergerak seperti telefon selular, komputer tablet dan notebook. Android dibangunkan oleh Google berdasarkan sistem perisian Linux dan perisian GNU. Android asalnya dibangunkan oleh Android Inc. (firma yang kemudiannya telah dibeli oleh Google). Kemudian untuk mengembangkan Android, dibentuklah Open Handset Alliance, konsortium daripada 34 syarikat telekomunikasi, termasuk Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, dan Nvidia.

Android mempunyai komuniti yang besar dalam membangunkan serta menulis aplikasi untuk pengembangan fungsi peralatan. Dianggarkan hampir 70,000 aplikasi untuk Android boleh didapati, menjadikanya sasaran pengembangan peralatan kedua paling popular untuk peralatan mobile.


Kerjasama dengan Android Inc.

Pada Julai 2000, Google bekerjasama dengan Android Inc., Syarikat yang berada di Palo Alto, California Amerika Syarikat. Para pengasas Android Inc. bekerja dengan Google, di antaranya Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, dan Chris White. Pada masa itu banyak yang menganggap fungsi Android Inc. hanyalah sebagai peranti perisian telefon bimbit. Sejak dari itu muncul khabar angin bahawa Google hendak memasuki pasaran telefon bimbit. Di syarikat Google, pasukan yang dipimpin Rubin bertugas mengembangkan program peranti bimbit yang disokong oleh kernel Linux. Hal ini menunjukkan kesungguhan bahawa Google sedang bersiap menghadapi persaingan dalam pasaran telefon bimbit.

2007-2008: Produk awal

Sekitar September 2007 sebuah kajian melaporkan bahawa Google mengajukan hak cipta aplikasi telefon bimbit (akhirnya Google memperkenalkan Nexus One, salah satu jenis telefon pintar GSM yang menggunakan Android dalam sistem operasinya. Telefon bimbit ini dihasilkan oleh HTC Corporation dan terdapat di pasaran pada 5 Januari, 2010).

Pada 9 Disember 2008, diumumkan ahli baru yang menyertai program kerjasama Android ARM Holdings, Atheros Communications, dihasilkan oleh Asustek Computer Inc, Garmin Ltd, Softbank, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba Corp, dan Vodafone Group Plc. Seiring pembentukan Open Handset Alliance, OHA mengumumkan produk perdana mereka, Android, peranti mudah alih (mobile) yang merupakan pengubahsuaian kernel Linux 2.6. Sejak Android dikeluarkan telah dilakukan pelbagai kemas berupa pembaikan bug dan penambahan ciri baru.

Telefon pertama yang memakai sistem operasi Android adalah HTC Dream, yang dikeluarkan pada 22 Oktober 2008. Pada penghujung tahun 2009 dianggarkan di dunia ini sekurang-kurangnya terdapat 18 jenis telefon bimbit yang menggunakan Android.

Android versi 1.1

Pada 9 Mac 2009, Google melancarkan Android versi 1.1. Android versi ini dilengkapi dengan kemas estetik dalam aplikasi, jam penggera, voice search (carian suara), penghantaran mesej dengan Gmail, dan notis e-mel.

Android versi 1.5 (Cupcake)

Pada pertengahan Mei 2009, Google kembali mengeluarkan telefon bimbit dengan menggunakan Android dan SDK (Software Development Kit) dengan versi 1.5 (Cupcake). Terdapat beberapa kemas kini termasuk juga penambahan beberapa ciri-ciri dalam telefon bimbit versi ini iaitu kemampuan merakam dan menonton video dengan mod kamera, memuat video ke Youtube dan gambar ke Picasa terus dari telefon, sokongan Bluetooth A2DP, kemampuan disambungkan secara automatik ke alat dengar Bluetooth, animasi skrin, dan keyboard pada skrin yang boleh disesuaikan dengan sistem.

Android versi 1.6 (Donut)

Donut (versi 1.6) dikeluarkan pada September 2009 dengan menampilkan proses carian yang lebih baik berbanding sebelumnya, penggunaan bateri penunjuk dan kawalan applet VPN. Ciri-ciri lain adalah album yang membolehkan pengguna untuk memilih gambar yang akan dihapuskan; kamera, camcorder dan album yang dintegrasikan; CDMA / EVDO, 802.1x, VPN, Gestures, dan Text-to-speech engine; kemampuan dial kenalan; teknologi text to change speech (tidak terdapat pada semua telefon; pengadaan resolusi VWGA.

Android versi 2.0/2.1 (Eclair)

Pada 3 Disember 2009 kembali dilancarkan telefon Android dengan versi 2.0/2.1 (Eclair), perubahan yang dilakukan adalah pengoptimuman hardware, peningkatan Google Maps 3.1.2, perubahan UI dengan pelayar baru dan sokongan HTML5, senarai kenalan(phone contacts) yang baru, sokongan flash untuk kamera 3 , 2 MP, digital Zoom, dan Bluetooth 2.1.Untuk bergerak cepat dalam persaingan peranti generasi ini, Google melakukan pelaburan dengan mengadakan pertandingan aplikasi mobile terbaik (killer apps - aplikasi unggulan). Pertandingan ini berhadiah $ 25,000 bagi setiap pemaju aplikasi terpilih. Pertandingan diadakan selama dua tahap yang tiap tahapnya dipilih 50 aplikasi terbaik.Dengan semakin berkembangnya dan semakin bertambahnya jumlah telefon Android, semakin banyak pihak ketiga yang berminat untuk menyalurkan aplikasi mereka kepada sistem operasi Android. Aplikasi terkenal yang diubah ke dalam sistem operasi Android adalah Shazam, Backgrounds, dan WeatherBug. Sistem operasi Android dalam laman Internet juga dianggap penting untuk mencipta aplikasi Android asli, contohnya oleh MySpace dan Facebook.

Android versi 2.2 (Froyo: Frozen Yoghurt)

Pada 20 Mei 2010, Android versi 2.2 (Froyo) dilancarkan. Perubahan-perubahan umumnya terhadap versi-versi sebelumnya antara lain sokongan Adobe Flash 10.1, kelajuan prestasi dan aplikasi 2 hingga 5 kali lebih cepat, intergrasi V8 JavaScript engine yang digunakan Google Chrome yang mempercepatkan kemampuan rendering pada browser, pemasangan aplikasi dalam SD Card, kemampuan WiFi Hotspot mudah alih, dan kemampuan auto update di dalam aplikasi Android Market.

Android versi 2.3 (Gingerbread)

Pada 6 Disember 2010, Android versi 2.3 (Gingerbread) dilancarkan. Perubahan-perubahan am yang didapati dari Android versi ini antara lain peningkatan kemampuan permainan (gaming), peningkatan fungsi copy paste, skrin antara muka (User Interface) direka semula, sokongan format video VP8 dan WebM, kesan audio baru (reverb, equalization, headphone virtualization, dan bass boost), sokongan kemampuan Near Field Communication (NFC), dan sokongan jumlah kamera yang lebih daripada satu.

Android versi 3.0/3.1 (Honeycomb)

Android Honeycomb direka khusus untuk tablet. Android versi ini menyokong saiz skrin yang lebih besar. User Interface pada Honeycomb juga berbeza kerana sudah direka untuk tablet. Honeycomb juga menyokong multi pemproses dan juga akselerasi (kelajuan) perkakasan (hardware) untuk grafik. Tablet pertama yang dibuat dengan menjalankan Honeycomb adalah Motorola Xoom.

Android versi 4.0 (ICS: Ice Cream Sandwich)

Diumumkan pada tarikh 19 Oktober 2011, membawa ciri Honeycomb untuk smartphone dan menambah ciri-ciri baru termasuk membuka kunci dengan pengenalan wajah, rangkaian data pemantauan penggunaan dan kawalan, kenalan rangkaian sosial bersepadu, tambahan fotografi, mencari e-mel secara offline, dan berkongsi maklumat dengan menggunakan NFC .


Pasaran Android ( " Market" )adalah kedai perisian online yang dibangunkan oleh Google untuk peranti Android. Satu program permohonan ("app") yang dipanggil "Market" penanda pada kebanyakan peranti Android dan membolehkan pengguna untuk melayari dan memuat turun aplikasi yang diterbitkan oleh pemaju pihak ketiga, yang dihoskan di Pasaran Android. Sehingga Oktober 2011, terdapat lebih daripada 300,000 apps untuk Android, dan anggaran bilangan permohonan yang dimuat turun daripada Pasaran Android Disember 2011 melebihi 10 bilion.

Sistem operasi itu sendiri dipasang pada 130 juta jumlah peranti
Peranti sahaja yang mematuhi dengan keperluan keserasian Google yang dibenarkan ke app tertutup-sumber Pasaran preinstall Google, Android dan mengakses Pasaran. [97] Pasaran penapis senarai permohonan yang dibentangkan oleh app Pasaran itu kepada orang-orang yang serasi dengan peranti pengguna, dan pemaju boleh menghadkan permohonan mereka kepada pembawa atau negara-negara tertentu atas sebab-sebab perniagaan.

Google telah mengambil bahagian dalam Pasaran Android dengan menawarkan beberapa aplikasi sendiri, termasuk Google Voice (untuk perkhidmatan Google Voice), Sky Map (untuk menonton bintang), Kewangan (bagi perkhidmatan kewangan mereka), Peta Editor (untuk perkhidmatan MyMaps mereka), Tempat Directory (Search Tempatan), Google Goggle bahawa searches oleh imej, gerak isyarat Search (untuk menggunakan huruf dan nombor jari bertulis untuk mencari kandungan telefon), Google Translate, Pembeli Google, Dengar untuk podcast dan Jejak saya, berjoging permohonan. Pada bulan Ogos 2010, Google telah melancarkan "Tindakan suara untuk Android", yang membolehkan pengguna untuk mencari, menulis mesej, dan memulakan panggilan dengan suara.

Selain itu, pengguna boleh memasang aplikasi dari kedai-kedai aplikasi pihak ketiga seperti Appstore Amazon, atau secara langsung ke peranti semula jika mereka mempunyai fail APK permohonan.

Video : 5 sebab utama Android lebih baik daripada iPhone [English]

Credit to : Wikipedia,YouTube,CNet and my friends on Facebook

Seat sensors can recognize you in Japan

Engineers at Japan's Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology have developed a system that can recognize individuals by measuring how they apply pressure on a seat when sitting down.
Nikkei reports that a team led by professor Shigeomi Koshimizu is working to commercialize the system as a "highly reliable" anti-theft system. The timeline? Two to three years, if an automaker signs on.

It's the car seat of the future. Or perhaps the airplane seat of the future--no need to show your ticket or appeal to a flight attendant to boot someone out of your coveted window seat.
Here's how it works: A sensor beneath the driver's seat measures pressure at 360 points. The pressure at each point, measured on a scale from 0 to 256, is output to a laptop computer.
The researchers are also investigating pressure sensors for feet.

In lab tests, the system was able to distinguish six different individuals with 98 percent accuracy.

The researchers say it helps reduce the psychological burden that traditional biometrics, such as iris scanners or fingerprint readers, can leave on people.

The researchers also say those technologies can be less accurate because the cleanliness of their sensor surfaces impacts their ability to authenticate properly; i.e. dim lighting or grimy surfaces cause "noise" and contaminate results.

Another application the researchers are investigating: pressure sensors for feet, which can allow or deny access to a room--no key card necessary. (It's like a high-tech version of the gold statue-sandbag swap in the opening scene of the film "Raiders of the Lost Ark.")

The next question, of course, is how much the system can scale. Can it distinguish between a Boeing 747 full of passengers? What about a multifloor office building?

Credit to : SmartPlanet

Keindahan matematik

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888


Dan cuba lihat simetri ini:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Sekarang tengok ini

101% dari sudut pandangan matematik :
Apakah ia sama dengan 100%?
Adakah ia bermaksud LEBIH dari 100%?
Kita selalu mendengar orang berkata dia beri lebih dari 100%?
Kita selalu dalam situasi di mana seseorang mahukan kita BERIKAN SEPENUHNYA 100%
Bagaimana nak MENCAPAI 101%?
Apakah nilai 100% dalam hidup?
Mungkin sedikit formula matematik di bawah boleh membantu mendapatkan jawapannya.


Digambarkan sebagai:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


11 + 5 + 18 + 10 + 1 + 11 + 5 + 18 + 19 + 1= 99%

H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K

8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


11 +14 +15 +23 + 12 5 +4 +7 + 5 = 96%


19 + 9 + 11 + 1 + 16 + 4 + 9 + 18 + 9= 96%

Dalam Bahasa Inggeris;


1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

Sikap diri atau attitude adalah yang perkara utama untuk mencapai 100% dalam hidup kita. Jika kita bekerja keras sekalipun tetapi jika tiada attitude yang positif dalam diri kita, kita masih belum dapat mencapai 100% lagi.



12 +15 +22 +5 +15 + 6 +7 +15 +4 = 101%



19 + 1 + 25 + 1 + 14 + 7 + 1 + 12 + 12 + 1 + 8 = 101%

Credit to : Remaja Islam

Introduction to HTTPS

What is HTTPS?

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a secure version of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (http). HTTPS allows secure ecommerce transactions, such as online banking.
Web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox display a padlock icon to indicate that the website is secure, as it also displays https:// in the address bar.

When a user connects to a website via HTTPS, the website encrypts the session with a digital certificate. A user can tell if they are connected to a secure website if the website URL begins with https:// instead of http://.


You click to check out at an online merchant. Suddenly your browser address bar says HTTPS instead of HTTP. What's going on? Is your credit card information safe?
Good news. Your information is safe. The website you are working with has made sure that no one can steal your information.

Instead of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), this website uses HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

Using HTTPS, the computers agree on a "code" between them, and then they scramble the messages using that "code" so that no one in between can read them. This keeps your information safe from hackers.

They use the "code" on a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), sometimes called Transport Layer Security (TLS) to send the information back and forth.

How does HTTP work? How is HTTPS different from HTTP? This article will teach you about SSL, HTTP and HTTPS.

How Does HTTP Work?

In the beginning, network administrators had to figure out how to share the information they put out on the Internet.

They agreed on a procedure for exchanging information and called it HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Once everyone knew how to exchange information, intercepting on the Internet was not difficult. So knowledgeable administrators agreed upon a procedure to protect the information they exchanged. The protection relies on SSL certificates to encrypt the online data. Encryption means that the sender and recipient agree upon a "code" and translate their documents into random-looking character strings.

The procedure for encrypting information and then exchanging it is called HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

With HTTPS if anyone in between the sender and the recipient could open the message, they still could not understand it. Only the sender and the recipient, who know the "code," can decipher the message.

Humans could encode their own documents, but computers do it faster and more efficiently. To do this, the computer at each end uses a document called an "SSL certificate" containing character strings that are the keys to their secret "codes."

SSL certificates contain the computer owner's "public key."

The owner shares the public key with anyone who needs it. Other users need the public key to encrypt messages to the owner. The owner sends those users the SSL certificate, which contains the public key. The owner does not share the private key with anyone.

The security during the transfer is called the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS).

The procedure for exchanging public keys using SSL certificates to enable HTTPS, SSL and TLS is called Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

SSL Protocol

A highly-simplified example of encrypting using SSL certificates.

Sara (the sender) wants to send an encrypted email to Rajiv (the recipient). First Rajiv sends Sara a copy of his SSL certificate. In this highly-simplified example, the public key in Rajiv's SSL certificate is "+1." The private key, which stays in Rajiv's computer, is also "+1."

So Sara composes a message to Rajiv. It says, "Hi--Sara." Then she instructs her computer to use Rajiv's SSL certificate to encrypt the message. The computer reads Rajiv's public key and adds +1 to each letter in the message.

For example, A+1=B, B+1=C, and so forth.

The encrypted message looks like this:

HI - SARA becomes IJ - TBSB

Anyone who reads the message along the way cannot understand it, because they do not have Rajiv's SSL certificate.

When Rajiv receives the message, his computer subtracts one from each letter in the message. It is again perfectly readable.

In real life, the public and private keys must be different.

The example above is simplified. It shows identical public and private keys. The problem with this example is that if Rajiv has identical keys, and if he sends Sara his SSL certificate, then she can decrypt messages he receives from other people. He cannot send her his public key if it is the same as his private key; otherwise she could decrypt all Rajiv's messages.

To protect Internet users, public keys are similar to, but not identical to, private keys. If Rajiv sends his public key to Sara in an SSL certificate, Sara's computer will have enough information to encrypt a message so that only Rajiv's private key can decrypt it.

Here is Rajiv's public key:

3048 0241 00C9 18FA CF8D EB2D EFD5 FD37 89B9 E069 EA97 FC20 5E35 F577 EE31 C4FB C6E4 4811 7D86 BC8F BAFA 362F 922B F01B 2F40 C744 2654 C0DD 2881 D673 CA2B 4003 C266 E2CD CB02 0301 0001

It hints at, but does not expose, the contents of Rajiv's private key. Rajiv can confidently send this key to Sara. He does not worry that she will be able to guess his private key. Although they are similar, because the keys are so long and complicated, it is computationally infeasible to calculate the private key from the public key.

Based on this public key, Sara's computer uses an algorithm to translate her message into an equally unintelligible string of characters, which only Rajiv will be able to decrypt only with his private key.

A simplified example of HTTP

Waldo is a webmaster. He sets up a domain,, which is a blog that allows people to donate to charity.

In order for his communications on the Internet to be understood, abides by the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This is a set of rules governing how servers - the computers where the information on Waldo's website is stored-communicate with clients-end users, or site visitors.

Sara browses in Waldo's site, and decides to donate money to Waldo's favorite charity. She pulls out her credit card and clicks "donate now."

A window opens up. In the address bar, Sara sees

Sara clicks that window shut and leaves the website. Why? Because has not promised to encrypt her information. She would have been putting her credit card number and her name out on the Internet in plain text, where anyone might be able to read it and steal it. Sara wanted her information to be encrypted, and was not a secure site.
Encryption experts call non-encrypted text "plaintext"

What could Waldo have done to keep Sara on his site?
Where's Waldo's SSL certificate?

According to the HTTP standards, there are strict rules governing how clients and servers interact. Nothing in those standards, though, says that communication on either end needs to be encrypted.

Even if the protocol doesn't demand encryption, Sara does. To keep people like Sara from leaving, Waldo can encrypt his website, or parts of it, if he wants. He can use an SSL certificate, just the way Sara and Rajiv did.

If Waldo uses an SSL certificate to encrypt his website, the address that will show up in the browser bar will say The HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure.

Now that he has an SSL certificate, the https: at the beginning of Waldo's website address tells the visitor that the information that the visitor enters on the website is securely encrypted. No one else can read the confidential information on it.

It's a good practice to check a website's certificate, just in case you've landed at a spoof website, sometimes called a "phishing" site. Click on the padlock. Your browser will show you the name of the owner of the certificate. It should match the name of the website.

And if Waldo uses a special SSL certificate called an EV SSL certificate, then his browser will recognize the certificate and turn the address bar green, another signal to Sara that Waldo's is a safe website.

Congratulations! You now know more about HTTP, HTTPS and SSL certificates than most Internet users! This will help you protect yourself when you browse on the Internet.

Credit to : Instant SSL and Wikipedia

Two Earth-Size Planets Are Discovered

University of Toulouse, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

An illustration of two Earth-size planets orbiting a Sun-like star.

In what amounts to a kind of holiday gift to the cosmos, astronomers from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft announced Tuesday that they had discovered a pair of planets the size of Earth orbiting a distant star. The new planets, one about as big as Earth and the other slightly smaller than Venus, are the smallest yet found beyond the solar system.

Astronomers said the discovery showed that Kepler could indeed find planets as small as our own and was an encouraging sign that planet hunters would someday succeed in the goal of finding Earth-like abodes in the heavens.

Since the first Jupiter-size exoplanets, as they are known, were discovered nearly 15 years ago, astronomers have been chipping away at the sky, finding smaller and smaller planets.

“We are finally there,” said David Charbonneau, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who was a member of the team that made the observations, led by his colleague Francois Fressin. The team reported its results in an online news conference Tuesday and in a paper being published in the journal Nature.

Dr. Fressin said, “This demonstrates for the first time that Earth-size planets exist around other stars and that we can detect them.”

The announcement doubled the number of known Earth-size planets in the galaxy to four from two — Earth and Venus.

The next major goal in the planetary hunt, astronomers say, is to find an Earth-size planet in the so-called Goldilocks zone of a star, where conditions are temperate for water and thus life. We are not there yet.

The two new planets, Kepler 20e and Kepler 20f, are far outside the Goldilocks zone — so close to the star, termed Kepler 20, that one of them is roasting at up to 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit — and thus unlivable.

Although the milestone of an Earth-size planet had long been anticipated, astronomers on and off the Kepler team were jubilant. Geoffrey Marcy of the University of California, Berkeley, another Kepler team member, called the new result “a watershed moment in human history.”

Debra Fischer, a planet hunter from Yale, who was not part of the team, said, “This technological feat is incredibly important because it means that the detection of Earth-size planets at larger distances is technically possible.”

Kepler 20e, the closer and hotter planet, is also the smaller — about 6,900 miles across, or slightly smaller than Venus — and it resides about 5 million miles from its star. The more distant planet, Kepler 20f, also broiling at around 800 degrees, is 10 million miles out from its star. It is 8,200 miles in diameter, about the size of Earth. The two planets are presumed to be rocky orbs that formed in the outskirts of their planetary system and then migrated inward.

Their star, which is slightly smaller and cooler than the Sun, is about 950 light years away from us. Kepler had previously found three larger Neptune-like planets around it, so the new observations bring the total to five so far. All the planets are well inside where Mercury would be in our own solar system, presenting a bounteous system of unlivable planets.

“This is Venus and Earth in a five-planet system,” Dr. Fischer said in an e-mail. “There’s no place like home, and the Kepler data are starting to uncover some mighty familiar architectures.”

Kepler detects planets by watching for blinks when they move in front of their stars. Since it was launched in 2009, it has found 2,326 potential planets, 207 that would be Earth-size, if confirmed as the two reported Tuesday have been.

Confirmation of a planet, however, requires additional observations, usually of its star’s wobbles as it gets tugged by the planet going around. The gravitational pull of planets as small as the Earth on their parent star is too small to measure with the current spectrographs. And so the astronomers resorted to a statistical method called Blender, developed by Dr. Fressin and Guillermo Torres of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center, in which millions of computer simulations of background stars try to mimic the Kepler signal. They concluded that Kepler 20e was 3,400 times more likely to be a planet than background noise, while the odds in favor Kepler 20f being real were 1,370 to 1.

Confirmed (or validated, as the Kepler team likes to say), they join the other planets already known to orbit the star. In a surprise for astronomers who thought they knew how planetary systems form, the orbits of the new planets are sandwiched between the orbits of the older, bigger, gassier ones, a configuration that does not occur in our own solar system.

In an e-mail, Dr. Charbonneau noted: “In the solar system, rocky worlds and gas giants don’t mingle. But in the Kepler 20 system they apparently do.”

Credit to : New York Times

Firefox 9: Faster on PCs, all-new on tablets

Mozilla is laying claim to big performance improvements for Firefox 9, while Firefox for Android goes in for a shave and a haircut as it gets an entirely different look. Both desktop and Android updates are being released today.

Firefox 9 continues the browser's rapid-release development oscillation, where feature enhancements and performance improvements take the lead in alternating months.

The JavaScript improvement called Type Inference, which Mozilla spent more than a year developing, debuts on the PC version of Firefox. The short version is that sites that heavily rely on JavaScript--like Web apps or sites that render games, video, and 3D graphics--will render much, much faster.

What actually changed is this: A feature in Firefox's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine, Type Inference creates type information by both monitoring the types of values as the program runs and analyzing the program's code. The type information then gets used during "just-in-time" compilation to generate more efficient code, and Mozilla says that major benchmarks like its own Kraken test and Google's V8 show the browser running around 30 percent faster.

On Macs, OS X Lion users will finally see support for two-finger swipe gestures, which sounds more offensive than it is. This simply means that if you've got the latest Mac OS, it'll be easier for you to jump from site to site. The Mac interface has also been tweaked to match the slight visual changes that arrived in Lion, and multiple monitor support in the browser has been improved.

Firefox 9 Android debuts a new way to interact with tabs, and ports the browser's signature bigger Back button to the mobile operating system. These screenshots are from the Aurora release of Firefox 9, so there might be slight changes in the stable version.

(Credit: Mozilla)

Web developers get some attention in Firefox 9, too. The most important developer changes in Firefox 9 are that sites that run Ajax or download large data sets will load faster, and sites can now display content as it's being downloaded thanks to new support to chunking XHR requests. While a technical term, the upshot of chunking XHR requests is that developers can build Web sites to receive large amounts of data faster, and thus making the site itself faster to load. JavaScript can also be used to detect a browser's Do Not Track preference, the option that tells Web sites not to use cookies to track a person's browsing behavior. A longer list of Web developer changes in Firefox 9 is available.

Firefox's new Android tablet interface makes it to the stable version of the browser, and the interface changes are drastic. As I noted when the new look arrived in the Aurora channel in September, the Back button has moved to the location bar, which has been stretched to the right edge of the screen to put Refresh and Bookmark buttons closer at hand. Tabs have been moved to a hidden menu when in portrait mode, and appear much larger than they have before when they're exposed. There have been some performance gains, too, as Mozilla says that people ought to see faster app load times.

This new look won't be around long, though. Mozilla plans to rebuild its app using native Android code, and the mock-ups show even more changes to the interface. One change that does look like it'll stick around is a new sidebar approach to the Awesome Bar, so that when you tap the location bar, tabs for Bookmarks, Open tabs, History, and Sync appear on the side while you scroll in the middle of the window.

There have also been two big improvements to HTML5 support in Firefox for Android. The browser now supports the Input Tag for cameras, which means that developers can build mobile sites and apps that will take pictures and scan bar codes without leaving Firefox. Mozilla created a demo of the Input Tag here.

The second change supports the HTML5 Form Validation API, for automatic form-field validation. Basically, it will be easier to get the browser to validate typed text.

While the future of Firefox for Android lies in abandoning the current interface for the predicted massive speed gains from native Android code, the PC version of Firefox looks to address ongoing add-on compatibility issues, and give the browser a more seamless automatic update experience.

Credit to : CNet